XMAS food/drink deals

With more and more people on a tighter budget this year I thought it would be an idea to post any deals that are around or the bestplaces for xmas day food.

I usually buy my 5kg turkey butterfly from the butchers but this year the price is £11.50 per kg, has anyone had supermarket turkeys they can recommend for hopefully half the price?
Our overlord, Klaus, will be pleased..."You vill eat de bugs"...Just remember to use your credits before the end of the month, as they will be removed unless you use them.
We're having a Sainsrose Taste The Difference irradiated acorn stuffed roast caterpillars with dock leaf salad and snot drizzled sauteed conkers for starters, followed by Government approved roadkill (must be killed by an electric car within the permitted fifteen minute journey from home and subject to not exceeding weekly travel distance allowance, and whether the local enforcement officers deem it too tasty for a pleb), for the main, with our own vomit with a handful of Hawthorns for pud, all washed down with a festive xmas punch made from oak bark and tears.

I'd wish you Happy Christmas but someone, somewhere, will get pissed off.....
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Czech as well. With potato salad. Not something I would choose to eat though. Full of tiny bones (the carp that is).
Czech as well. With potato salad. Not something I would choose to eat though. Full of tiny bones (the carp that is).
Or Pike roasted on the riverbank in tinfoil. Plenty to go round so invite the in laws. They will love you more for it.

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