Yaya, Aguero and Form

indifferent said:
Last time Aguero scored an away goal was in October. On the other side, Dzeko does not score much at home. Simple solution.

even more simple : let them on the bench and play mario home and away
toffee balls said:
Time to unleash the beast that is YAYA.

I fully expect him to play in the advanced midfield roll once again for the majority of our remaining fixtures.

He is the best midfielder in the premier league.

Mario up top , Happy days people.

Didsbury Dave said:
toffee balls said:
Time to unleash the beast that is YAYA.

I fully expect him to play in the advanced midfield roll once again for the majority of our remaining fixtures.

He is the best box to box midfielder in the premier league.

Mario up top , Happy days people.

He won't play that role. He'll be played deep alongside Barry as he has been all season.

Don't want to say I told you so DD but.........
Damocles said:
I can't help but feel that we've got "England World Cup syndrome" in regards to Yaya Toure. We seem to believe that his return will herald a return of the City at the beginning of the year, that we will be carving open teams left, right and centre.

I do think that he's a big part of how we play, but his absence is not to blame for our recent drop in form. In fact, the last time that Yaya was in the team we got beaten by Sunderland, and drew with West Brom. We did beat Liverpool 3-0 but the scoreline didn't tend to reflect the game. His magical powers did not seem to extend to these games.

Our real downward turn started around Christmas Day after we beat Stoke and has continued whether or not Yaya and Kolo were in the team.

I think that our dodgy form is more down to Aguero's misfiring than Yaya's absence, and he seems almost a shadow of the player that we saw in that Swansea game. He has gone from a guy full of confidence who plays with his feathers up, to a frustrated striker who seems to get really annoyed with himself after he misses a chance. Possibly for this reason, he is much more greedy in possession than he was originally and the directness that he brought to us has been lost.

This City team remind me of Arsenal in 2006 and it's a happy coincidence that we've recently become the first team to hit 60 points in 25 games since them. They finished third that season, so I wouldn't start counting our chickens yet as there's a long way to go and that team represents a stark warning from history about what happens once Plan A is cracked.
Not being picky but it's certainly a happy coincidence we have started playing fluently again since his return.

Whatever the reason, long may it continue.
Yaya is the most important player in our team by a mile - only reason that we noticed Slavic so much was the absence of yaya not protecting the defense. Now he is back we are looking good again. Keane, viera, Essien were the most important players in their teams
SWP's back said:
Damocles said:
I can't help but feel that we've got "England World Cup syndrome" in regards to Yaya Toure. We seem to believe that his return will herald a return of the City at the beginning of the year, that we will be carving open teams left, right and centre.

I do think that he's a big part of how we play, but his absence is not to blame for our recent drop in form. In fact, the last time that Yaya was in the team we got beaten by Sunderland, and drew with West Brom. We did beat Liverpool 3-0 but the scoreline didn't tend to reflect the game. His magical powers did not seem to extend to these games.

Our real downward turn started around Christmas Day after we beat Stoke and has continued whether or not Yaya and Kolo were in the team.

I think that our dodgy form is more down to Aguero's misfiring than Yaya's absence, and he seems almost a shadow of the player that we saw in that Swansea game. He has gone from a guy full of confidence who plays with his feathers up, to a frustrated striker who seems to get really annoyed with himself after he misses a chance. Possibly for this reason, he is much more greedy in possession than he was originally and the directness that he brought to us has been lost.

This City team remind me of Arsenal in 2006 and it's a happy coincidence that we've recently become the first team to hit 60 points in 25 games since them. They finished third that season, so I wouldn't start counting our chickens yet as there's a long way to go and that team represents a stark warning from history about what happens once Plan A is cracked.
Not being picky but it's certainly a happy coincidence we have started playing fluently again since his return.

Whatever the reason, long may it continue.

Stop being so diplomatic, we can all read between the lines what you REALLY want to say! ;-)
Mancio said:
indifferent said:
Last time Aguero scored an away goal was in October. On the other side, Dzeko does not score much at home. Simple solution.

even more simple : let them on the bench and play mario home and away

pretty sure aguero scored in portugal
I have to say that i was fully expecting our form to drop off a little with the absence of yaya. there isnt a team in the PL who would'nt miss him immensely. look at what we've acheived so far, without him we certainly would'nt have a shiny FA cup to rub in the rags faces! the simple fact is he's 2nd on the team sheet after silva every week.
now he's back and normal service is resumed i think a few doubters on here need to have a word with themselfs!
We were always going to have a tough patch in the season to think we were going to continue to roll teams over week after week is stupidity.
i'd be more than happy if we won every game 1 - nil for the rest of the season but it seems some people NEED footballing perfection NOW!

I want nothing more than us to be lifting that trophy at the end of the season and i believe we'll do it. Facts are that we have already had an unbelivable season so far and so has Aguero, to have concerns about his performances is absolute madness! admittedly he is probably good enough to expect at least a goal per game from him but give the guy a break he's been here half a season!
wait till he's in his comfort zone and watch him go.(e.g silva's 2nd season)

i guess old moaning habits die hard!

I've watched more than enough average/utter shit football over the years to know when i'm being entertained. The only way i know i'm not dreaming is rihanna has'nt appeared from the kitchen with my MOTD beer and asked if she can please suck me off.
I know its well within your power to complete my dream boxset mr mansour but i'm not greedy i feel i owe you enough already!

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