Yaya Toure apologises

Really? You don't think Toure worked his balls off?

The guy will be a City legend to me, absolutely no problem whatsoever. I personally don't give a shite what his agent has said, and I have absolutely no idea why anyone cares. The club has now given the tit a voice, and there will be plenty of journalists out there happy to print his nonsense. Personally I'd just ignore the moron, and give absolutely zero response to anything he says - always the best way to deal with people like him, take away his voice.

I'd agree with that.
Yaya had all the tools (his agent included) to be one of the world's greatest contemporary players. Great in possession, searing runs, stunning goals and even good in the air (Didn't show that much though). However, what he did lack at times was heart and desire, if he had for example Zaba's attitude and willingness he would have been even more outstanding. He blotted his legend status with so many poor, couldn't give a shit performances. He should have gone after cakegate but he stayed and him and his agent have taken the piss ever since. City looked after him and helped his dying brother in the later stages of his life, that should have counted for something but his fat fuck of an agent is one of the footballs biggest pariahs. Yaya should have ditched him but unfortunately wonga seems to have been his main motivation. I'm behind Pep all the way, good on you Sir.
I'm sure the club were willing to let Yaya go in the summer, and I'm equally sure that there were many offers on the table.

So what stopped him? It surely wasn't anything to do with having to take a wage cut, was it?

Real shame that Yaya and his agent let it come to this. A legend tarnished.
The flight from sky blue has begun. Once known as the Dark Continent, Africa has been declared Red **. Already countries are renaming themselves: Mouzambique, Rooanda, Zlatagascar and Shawmalia to name but six.

We mustn't forget to adjust the official global number of rags in future posts. 680 million? Pfft. That is so yesterday.

Can Bluemoon survive the exodus?

** Source: Seluk's arse.
I think Yaya has just been badly advised, By an agent who think he is more important than a club or manager. Pep has shown his willingness to sacrifice star players in the cause of team harmony before, his results speak for themselves, so my advice to Seluk is to SHUT HIS CAKEHOLE!!!
Pretty much this.

If Messi's agent said something when Pep was at Barcelona no way would Pep take this stance.

Baconface always had the cajones to kick old aging past their best players out. Scholes refused to play and Shrek/Camelgob held the rags to ransom but Baconface didn't kick them out.

Ultimately if you are surplus to requirements as a player it's easier to make this stance.
True. The bravery comes in deciding someone on 200k a week is surplus to requirements.
Yaya's agent is clearly a tit of the highest order, but if it is true that the first Yaya heard of this is through the press conference I am not impressed by Pep's/ City's response.
The Yaya/Seluk charade has been going on for far too long. Yaya will be fully aware of media spin by Seluk as it happens every time he spits the dummy. It's certainly not due to lack of control or naivety that Yaya never refutes Seluk's comments. He's surrounded by football professionals (including his brother), who all deal with agents, therefore it's be beyond belief to imagine that he has no input or control when his agent leaks information to the media. The rumours surrounding Yaya's unhappiness with the club have been bouncing around for the last three years now, and it's about time an ultimatum was given to both Yaya and his agent.
Atlast a manager that doesnt take this rubbish! 100% support for Pep. Seluk who?! Now Yaya pulling a 4 day sickie for a headache...wow! Thanks for the years of wonderful service Yaya but I've lost total respect. Yaya could have stood up like a man and told his agent to shut up! Clearly his agent says what Yaya wants him to say...Yaya/his agent disrespecting the club/fans by their attitude....cant move on fast enough for me and dont believe the actions of the past should give even a "City legend" a free pass to do or say what they want! No one player is bigger than the club. Yaya is long past his best and should have moved on 18 months ago before all this started to happen.....
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