Yaya Toure [Merged]

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.as.com/futbol/articulo/toure-quiere-hablar-rosell-firmar/dasftb/20100630dasdaiftb_63/Tes" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.as.com/futbol/articulo/toure ... ftb_63/Tes</a>


Rosell Toure wants to talk to before signing with the City
Ibra will not, according to his agent.

Touré will go to Manchester City ... provided Sandro Rosell, Barca president starting tomorrow, do not brake operation. Following the meeting held in Barcelona on Monday between representatives of the City and the agent Touré, Dmitry Selçuk, everything was seen for sentencing and pending Rosell take office and give your opinion.

"No transfer will be closed until we have spoken with the new president," said Selçuk. If all goes as planned, the transfer could be made official on Friday. The City will pay 30 million euros over two variables.

Moreover, the representative also spoke yesterday of Ibrahimovic, Mino Raiola. The agent wanted to step out of the rumors that put his client away from Barcelona. Speaking to Radio Italia TV, said: "Ibra does not move from Barcelona and I do not understand why you should do it." Raiola expounded a bit more on the issue: "He does not want to leave Barcelona and the club does not let go. Everything went well and I think it an exaggeration to say that Ibra should disappear."

For now, it seems that the arrival of Villa closes the door of title to the Swedish striker ...

Laporta: goodbye and penalty miss
After the last Board meeting at the Camp Nou, one sided game with Laporta organized veterans to leave. Only two managers attended the farewell pachanga: Rafael Yuste, who made lateral, and Xavier Sala Martin, whom he saw little on the grass. Laporta, who wore the number 10 Messi missed a penalty. The ball smacked against the post and departed without being able to achieve the final goal of the president than Barça.
Oh my dear sweet sweet lord. I always feel a bit dirty checking Rag forums. But when you find Gems like these it makes it all worth while

"Toure was always going to City, who are eventually going to close the gap as long as we keep watching them sign players.

Fuck the Glazers, between them and this Sheikh C*nt my worst nightmares are slowly but surely coming true. Toure is a great signing.

"now common!!, if man shitty or any other team besides utd get him ill be so PISSED off, wfewuofaskjfhasfkodjlnasdf"

"cole and ya ya have agreed deals and are keeping it quiet... c'mon boys, let us know! If this was to happen, I don't think I could describe my excitement"

Sometimes when i read shit like this there is a tiny bit of me that feels quite bad for them. Then i simply think......Fuck Em LOL ;-D

They make me piss. Chat to any dumb rag you know and they will tell you they are fine and will deny to the death just how much of a terrible situation their scumy club is in. But then they all go on public forums and bleed their poor little hearts out.

It's the technological equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears then whispering your hard to accept truths to a mate believing the people you don't want to find out can't hear you.... CLASSIC!
Ducky_ said:
BlakeTheBlue said:
The lads on the Barca forum myself and Ducky visit seem to reckon He has passed a medical for us yesterday. They posted this

God know where they got that quote but it's great news if true.

This is a link to their Yaya thread:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.barcaforum.com/showthread.php?122-24-Tour%E9-Yaya/page158" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.barcaforum.com/showthread.ph ... ya/page158</a>

Nooo don't send them there! lol
Lmfao!, 'you've agreed a fee with Valencia for silva'...
Latest from El Mundo


Although Yaya Touré takes weeks with foot and a half outside of Barcelona and its future is still closer to Manchester than anywhere else, the situation of African midfielder can give an unexpected turn and end up staying in the Camp Nou. El traspaso al City no se ha cerrado en el plazo que se había previsto (el 29 de junio) y el acuerdo entre ambas entidades ha expirado, por lo que será necesario renegociar las condiciones con la nueva directiva barcelonista, que presidirá Sandro Rosell. The move to City has not closed within the time planned (June 29) and the agreement between the two entities has expired, it will be necessary to renegotiate terms with Barcelona's new directive to preside Sandro Rosell. Y ahí entra en juego también Pep Guardiola, que no quiere perder a Touré y ha pedido mantener una cumbre con el jugador antes de que se tome ninguna decisión irreversible. And there also comes into play Pep Guardiola, who does not want to lose Toure and asked to keep a summit with the player before any irreversible decision is taken.

Guardiola quiere convencer a Touré, al que considera un futbolista clave en la plantilla, para que no se vaya. Guardiola wants to convince Touré, who considered a key player in the template, so do not go. El problema estriba en que no puede garantizarle lo que quiere: un protagonismo mayor en los partidos más importantes de la temporada. The problem is that it can not guarantee what they want: a greater role in the biggest games of the season. Touré no quiere ver desde el banquillo partidos como una final del Mundial de Clubs o como una semifinal de Champions (comenzó como suplente tanto en la ida como en la vuelta). Touré not want to see games from the bench as a Club World Cup final or a semi-final Champions (started as a substitute in both in the return leg). Guardiola, lógicamente, no puede garantizarle la titularidad. Guardiola, of course, can not guarantee ownership.

El técnico valora, por encima de todas las cosas, la polivalencia de Touré, aunque el marfileño cree que Pep prefiere a Busquets como medio centro, algo en lo que las alineaciones de la última temporada le dan la razón. The technical values, above all, the versatility of Toure, although the Ivorian believes that Pep Busquets preferred as a center half, something that the alignments of last season proved him correct. Aun así, Guardiola cree que puede convencer a Touré para que se quede y de ahí que ha dado instrucciones muy claras respecto a reunirse con el jugador antes de que se tome una decisión definitiva. However, Guardiola believes he can convince to stay Touré and hence it has given clear instructions regarding meeting with the player before a final decision.

Sandro Rosell, por su parte, priorizará los deseos de Guardiola, por lo que si el City quiere llevarse al jugador tendrá que pagar un precio elevado. Sandro Rosell, meanwhile, will prioritize the wishes of Guardiola, so that if the City wants to take the player will have to pay a high price. El Barça no afloja en este aspecto y por eso el Chelsea no llegará hasta el final en una hipotética puja por el jugador. El Barça no war at this point and that is why Chelsea will not arrive until the end in a hypothetical bid for the player. El precio por el que se cerraría el traspaso, según fuentes cercanas a la negociación, no bajaría de los 32 millones de euros, la cifra que se había pactado en principio entre el Barça y el City. The price at which the transfer would be closed, according to sources close to the negotiations, it would fall from 32 million euros, the figure had been agreed in principle between the club and the City.

En cualquier caso, las cifras definitivas de un traspaso habrá que pactarlas con la nueva directiva, una vez Touré está de acuerdo con el City. In any case, the final figures for a transfer must be agreed with the new policy, once Toure agrees with the City. El pacto firmado entre ambos clubs expiraba anteayer, lunes, día en que el Barça esperaba cerrar el traspaso. The pact signed between the two clubs was due to expire the day before yesterday, Monday, the day that the club hoped to close the transfer. Las cifras no acabaron de cerrarse con Touré y ahora hay que negociar de nuevo. The figures do not just ended with Touré and now have to negotiate again.

La situación de los cedidos The situation of temporary

El 'caso Touré' no es el único que la nueva directiva deberá afrontar esta misma semana. The 'case Toure' is not the only thing the new board will face this week. Entre mañana, jueves, y el viernes se espera la llegada del representante de Aleksandr Hleb para negociar la situación del bielorruso, mientras que la semana que viene se espera a los representantes de Márquez, Keirrison y Henrique From tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday is expected the arrival of Aleksandr Hleb representative to negotiate the situation in Belarus, while next week is expected to representatives of Marquez, and Henrique Keirrison
Failsworth_Blue said:
Latest from El Mundo


Although Yaya Touré takes weeks with foot and a half outside of Barcelona and its future is still closer to Manchester than anywhere else, the situation of African midfielder can give an unexpected turn and end up staying in the Camp Nou. El traspaso al City no se ha cerrado en el plazo que se había previsto (el 29 de junio) y el acuerdo entre ambas entidades ha expirado, por lo que será necesario renegociar las condiciones con la nueva directiva barcelonista, que presidirá Sandro Rosell. The move to City has not closed within the time planned (June 29) and the agreement between the two entities has expired, it will be necessary to renegotiate terms with Barcelona's new directive to preside Sandro Rosell. Y ahí entra en juego también Pep Guardiola, que no quiere perder a Touré y ha pedido mantener una cumbre con el jugador antes de que se tome ninguna decisión irreversible. And there also comes into play Pep Guardiola, who does not want to lose Toure and asked to keep a summit with the player before any irreversible decision is taken.

Guardiola quiere convencer a Touré, al que considera un futbolista clave en la plantilla, para que no se vaya. Guardiola wants to convince Touré, who considered a key player in the template, so do not go. El problema estriba en que no puede garantizarle lo que quiere: un protagonismo mayor en los partidos más importantes de la temporada. The problem is that it can not guarantee what they want: a greater role in the biggest games of the season. Touré no quiere ver desde el banquillo partidos como una final del Mundial de Clubs o como una semifinal de Champions (comenzó como suplente tanto en la ida como en la vuelta). Touré not want to see games from the bench as a Club World Cup final or a semi-final Champions (started as a substitute in both in the return leg). Guardiola, lógicamente, no puede garantizarle la titularidad. Guardiola, of course, can not guarantee ownership.

El técnico valora, por encima de todas las cosas, la polivalencia de Touré, aunque el marfileño cree que Pep prefiere a Busquets como medio centro, algo en lo que las alineaciones de la última temporada le dan la razón. The technical values, above all, the versatility of Toure, although the Ivorian believes that Pep Busquets preferred as a center half, something that the alignments of last season proved him correct. Aun así, Guardiola cree que puede convencer a Touré para que se quede y de ahí que ha dado instrucciones muy claras respecto a reunirse con el jugador antes de que se tome una decisión definitiva. However, Guardiola believes he can convince to stay Touré and hence it has given clear instructions regarding meeting with the player before a final decision.

Sandro Rosell, por su parte, priorizará los deseos de Guardiola, por lo que si el City quiere llevarse al jugador tendrá que pagar un precio elevado. Sandro Rosell, meanwhile, will prioritize the wishes of Guardiola, so that if the City wants to take the player will have to pay a high price. El Barça no afloja en este aspecto y por eso el Chelsea no llegará hasta el final en una hipotética puja por el jugador. El Barça no war at this point and that is why Chelsea will not arrive until the end in a hypothetical bid for the player. El precio por el que se cerraría el traspaso, según fuentes cercanas a la negociación, no bajaría de los 32 millones de euros, la cifra que se había pactado en principio entre el Barça y el City. The price at which the transfer would be closed, according to sources close to the negotiations, it would fall from 32 million euros, the figure had been agreed in principle between the club and the City.

En cualquier caso, las cifras definitivas de un traspaso habrá que pactarlas con la nueva directiva, una vez Touré está de acuerdo con el City. In any case, the final figures for a transfer must be agreed with the new policy, once Toure agrees with the City. El pacto firmado entre ambos clubs expiraba anteayer, lunes, día en que el Barça esperaba cerrar el traspaso. The pact signed between the two clubs was due to expire the day before yesterday, Monday, the day that the club hoped to close the transfer. Las cifras no acabaron de cerrarse con Touré y ahora hay que negociar de nuevo. The figures do not just ended with Touré and now have to negotiate again.

La situación de los cedidos The situation of temporary

El 'caso Touré' no es el único que la nueva directiva deberá afrontar esta misma semana. The 'case Toure' is not the only thing the new board will face this week. Entre mañana, jueves, y el viernes se espera la llegada del representante de Aleksandr Hleb para negociar la situación del bielorruso, mientras que la semana que viene se espera a los representantes de Márquez, Keirrison y Henrique From tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday is expected the arrival of Aleksandr Hleb representative to negotiate the situation in Belarus, while next week is expected to representatives of Marquez, and Henrique Keirrison

so that's it - he's not coming then? Good job we've got Pat!
johnny crossan said:
Failsworth_Blue said:
Latest from El Mundo


Although Yaya Touré takes weeks with foot and a half outside of Barcelona and its future is still closer to Manchester than anywhere else, the situation of African midfielder can give an unexpected turn and end up staying in the Camp Nou. El traspaso al City no se ha cerrado en el plazo que se había previsto (el 29 de junio) y el acuerdo entre ambas entidades ha expirado, por lo que será necesario renegociar las condiciones con la nueva directiva barcelonista, que presidirá Sandro Rosell. The move to City has not closed within the time planned (June 29) and the agreement between the two entities has expired, it will be necessary to renegotiate terms with Barcelona's new directive to preside Sandro Rosell. Y ahí entra en juego también Pep Guardiola, que no quiere perder a Touré y ha pedido mantener una cumbre con el jugador antes de que se tome ninguna decisión irreversible. And there also comes into play Pep Guardiola, who does not want to lose Toure and asked to keep a summit with the player before any irreversible decision is taken.

Guardiola quiere convencer a Touré, al que considera un futbolista clave en la plantilla, para que no se vaya. Guardiola wants to convince Touré, who considered a key player in the template, so do not go. El problema estriba en que no puede garantizarle lo que quiere: un protagonismo mayor en los partidos más importantes de la temporada. The problem is that it can not guarantee what they want: a greater role in the biggest games of the season. Touré no quiere ver desde el banquillo partidos como una final del Mundial de Clubs o como una semifinal de Champions (comenzó como suplente tanto en la ida como en la vuelta). Touré not want to see games from the bench as a Club World Cup final or a semi-final Champions (started as a substitute in both in the return leg). Guardiola, lógicamente, no puede garantizarle la titularidad. Guardiola, of course, can not guarantee ownership.

El técnico valora, por encima de todas las cosas, la polivalencia de Touré, aunque el marfileño cree que Pep prefiere a Busquets como medio centro, algo en lo que las alineaciones de la última temporada le dan la razón. The technical values, above all, the versatility of Toure, although the Ivorian believes that Pep Busquets preferred as a center half, something that the alignments of last season proved him correct. Aun así, Guardiola cree que puede convencer a Touré para que se quede y de ahí que ha dado instrucciones muy claras respecto a reunirse con el jugador antes de que se tome una decisión definitiva. However, Guardiola believes he can convince to stay Touré and hence it has given clear instructions regarding meeting with the player before a final decision.

Sandro Rosell, por su parte, priorizará los deseos de Guardiola, por lo que si el City quiere llevarse al jugador tendrá que pagar un precio elevado. Sandro Rosell, meanwhile, will prioritize the wishes of Guardiola, so that if the City wants to take the player will have to pay a high price. El Barça no afloja en este aspecto y por eso el Chelsea no llegará hasta el final en una hipotética puja por el jugador. El Barça no war at this point and that is why Chelsea will not arrive until the end in a hypothetical bid for the player. El precio por el que se cerraría el traspaso, según fuentes cercanas a la negociación, no bajaría de los 32 millones de euros, la cifra que se había pactado en principio entre el Barça y el City. The price at which the transfer would be closed, according to sources close to the negotiations, it would fall from 32 million euros, the figure had been agreed in principle between the club and the City.

En cualquier caso, las cifras definitivas de un traspaso habrá que pactarlas con la nueva directiva, una vez Touré está de acuerdo con el City. In any case, the final figures for a transfer must be agreed with the new policy, once Toure agrees with the City. El pacto firmado entre ambos clubs expiraba anteayer, lunes, día en que el Barça esperaba cerrar el traspaso. The pact signed between the two clubs was due to expire the day before yesterday, Monday, the day that the club hoped to close the transfer. Las cifras no acabaron de cerrarse con Touré y ahora hay que negociar de nuevo. The figures do not just ended with Touré and now have to negotiate again.

La situación de los cedidos The situation of temporary

El 'caso Touré' no es el único que la nueva directiva deberá afrontar esta misma semana. The 'case Toure' is not the only thing the new board will face this week. Entre mañana, jueves, y el viernes se espera la llegada del representante de Aleksandr Hleb para negociar la situación del bielorruso, mientras que la semana que viene se espera a los representantes de Márquez, Keirrison y Henrique From tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday is expected the arrival of Aleksandr Hleb representative to negotiate the situation in Belarus, while next week is expected to representatives of Marquez, and Henrique Keirrison

so that's it - he's not coming then? Good job we've got Pat!
A case of use us to get more money from their new president.
A bit more of a realistic view-new president to grant the transfer

<a class="postlink" href="http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://www.as.com/&ei=Rv8qTMS4F-GTsQbVyMXEBA&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCQQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Das.com%26hl%3Den" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://translate.google.co.uk/translate ... %26hl%3Den</a>
bookiesgirl said:
anybody think this will end up like the eto saga last summer?

Laporte's role at the club ends today,new president in

Looks like Yaya's agent is angling for a new deal off the incoming Rossell

If Rossell sanctions the sale then hes ours(perhaps he already has?)

Plenty of stories in the Spanish press about Yaya already having passed a medical.As ever with City we are biting our fingernails until the very end.

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