Yaya wants out allegedly

C_T_I_D said:
At the end of the day I doubt he will move heaven and earth to leave us for Barcelona like Fabregas did at Arsenal purely due to his former club not showing any publicised interest in him. I mention the word publicised purely on the basis that I feel because he is such an important player for us and us not being required to sanction his sale they'd need to pursue him through media outlets in order to turn his head. They'd need to be a point of no return basically.

I just don't envisage the above happening. He doesn't strike me as the type of personality that would cause major disruption. It would tarnish the impact he has had and the history that he has created.

Good call. I cant see him being like that either. The question is, would the first part you mentioned happen?
If they pushed hard enough he might not look as bad. But then you go back to the original question from a couple minutes ago.
Would barca even want him back (moreso a former player) and not instead go a new route of someone younger, newly hotter, spanish, who knows what (but simply not a former)?
I am guessing here but is this Barca's warning for us trying to sign Martinez?
Just talking for talks sake here lads.... Yaya ain't goin' anywhere - unless we decide he should go, in which case we wouldn't sell him to one of our biggest rivals now... Unless he became an has-been.

We don't need to sell, sure he could let his contract roll out but why would he?
when he could get more staying here.

He will eventually leave, but it won't be to a club like Barca, it would be either to prolong his career or to retire on a big payout (in the US or China)
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
MCFC Buffalo-NY said:
Train said:
someone please lock this thread.

Above it all?
My guess is he/she thinks it's a pile of bullshit. Not a bad call, in my opinion.

I get that, but there's no harm in discussing it. But even the b.s. part, cant be too sure about further out by any means.

I wholeheartedly agree its foolish to think that'd happen this summer, but its even more foolish to think it WONT happen a couple summers from now...

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