Yerba Mate

Hi, I'm from Argentina. Maybe I could help you all about this.

Been drinking this for a bit now and It's been superb.
Have never been a Coffee or Traditional English Tea man as I just never liked it.
The instant Coffee is full of crap.

But I wanted a warm drink that is also sociable and has health benefits.

Then I discovered Yerba Mate

Pablo Zabaleta enjoy's his Yerba Mate

The plant is called "Yerba Mate", the drink it's named "mate", the cup it's named mate too. The straw calls "bombilla", something like bomb-bi-sha in argentinian spanish.

That's a massive spoon he's got in that mug/cup.

That's a bombilla


I just order mine off Amazon bud.
£10 packet lasts me a few weeks, drinking it every day.

You can also refill your Gourd with warm water anytime you want a top up.

I recommend you buy the wooden Gourd with the specific spoon.

Not everyone's taste but I enjoy it and it helps me working out in the gym

10 pounds!? wow. Which brand? 1kilo cost here 45 pesos, £3 aprox.

I was interested in this when I watched the video a few months back.

Might have to buy some soon, how is the taste?

Is bitter, but you can add sugar (I don't). You must drink it whit hot water (90ºC or 95ºC)
great input @nachop666 thanks for the replies.

Yes it's a bit dearer over here -

£9.75 for 500g / 152.26 peso.

Regarding the post Mate being cancerous, the report I read was taking into consideration many of the people who drank it frequently were also smokers/alcohol consumers.
I'm not gonna stand here and proclaim it to be a wonder plant, I can only go off my own experiences in that it's improved my work rate in sport and my mental fatigue/concentration.
If mate is cancerous all argentinians, uruguayans and paraguayans must be dead now. Here we drink A LOT of mate.
How much for the gourd?

£12.99 comes with the Bombilla as well.

As a taste - it isn't the best drink, I mean hey I'd much rather drink Lager all day or hot chocolate but it's full of shit.
This stuff benefits me, doesn't taste great but that isn't the point - doesn't taste bad either.
Just an update for anyone interested in drinking Mate...

I was buying the stuff from Amazon for say £10 but the company actually selling it through Amazon is called Urushop and they sell it in their own website for half the price of their Amazon listing... lol.

So yea, check out

Their warehouse is based in Leicester.
Never had a problem ordering with them and I've been drinking Mate for a few years now.

Great antioxidant, keeps me alert, makes me sweat like a trooper when working out and most notable I'd say is my cardio system seems to have improved, I'm adding an extra 5km onto my jogs from somewhere... I ain't saying its all down to this drink but it ain't doing any harm anyway.

Gracias Argentina :)

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