Yes or No. Do you think we'll win the PL next season?

Depends on how we do this summer in the transfer market.

Right now we would come third with our current squad.
No at the moment.But lets see what new signings, we buy in the summer and i might change my mind.
I certainly think we'll win it. I think the pain of this season will spur everybody on!
We are the best team in this league... Mourinho will give Chelsea belief, but they are not as good as us!
Wrighty Wrexham said:
No it will be Chelsea

They'll down tools again next October when they're sick of Jose telling them what to do.

Hang on, that could be us.
GaudinoMotors said:
bellbuzzer said:
being a pragmatist, and patient, i would settle for a top 3 spot as long as solid improvement was obvious and an end once and for all to 'lacklustre' performances, 'bogey teams', substitutions that make things worse. So many things to put right in three months,
So its NO , but reaching the knockout stage of the chimps (more important) YES

How would finishing 3rd be solid improvement?

sounds daft i know, but judge on performance instead of results and that is where i am coming from. The best team in the world can lose now and again, bad decisions, deflected shots, Gk errors, slips and trips. When we lost the derby it hurt but seeing we were the better team took away some of the pain. No cups for performance but it points to a bright future.
we are the best 1st 11 in the prem are squad is probably 3rd or 4th.... with the right signings we will win it but we need the rag winning mentality ...... lets hope the new boss can bring it with him CTID

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