You could see Mourinho's eyes light up

Salar said:
I am still unsure whether it is a attacking formation or a defensive one.
it's neither . It's a formation which allows you to retain width whilst flooding the centre of the park. It's disadvantage is that it leaves you exposed to breaks from the flanks.

Which is what happened, and is the reason for my frustration. Mourinho saw what we'd done, countered it and won the game. A few are adopting the narrative 'it was down to individual errors' but that misses the point. The individual errors occurred because of the pressure we came under due to the space we left.
Not a huge fan of the 3-5-2 at all, and was praying that we wouldn't start with it. Definitely agree that it can leave us exposed to counter attacks, and doesn't seem well-suited against teams with quick direct widemen.

But - the way I saw it, we definitely made the switch at half-time. Not when Kolarov came on - he just slotted in on the left of midfield, and Silva played kind of from the right through til half time. But as soon as we came out second half you could see we'd made the change with Kompany on the right of Nasti, Clichy on the left, Maicon and Kolarov as wing-backs. Zabaleta signalling '5' could (and I think did) mean nothing more than we keep playing with the '5', in response to whether it stays the same or are we switching back to a 4.

And for what it is worth, I think the system did work, certainly initially. Kompany looked able to get across and double-up on Ronaldo much more quickly and he offered little genuine threat second half (up to the goal!). And the goals were ultimately down to individual mistakes and/or bad luck. Garcia could perhaps have closed down Marcelo more quickly, unlucky with the deflection. Barry and Yaya should have done better to close down Di Maria for the second, I thought. Not really sure how the switch in formation would affect the ability of our midfielders to get across and close down those spaces? For the third, Vinny should have i) been over quicker and ii) not ducked.

Like I say, don't really like the formation, but think it is wrong to suggest that it was the problem last night.

And I agree with whoever said that the guys on zonal marking have no greater credentials than any other football fan - Cox sometimes makes good points, but just as often talks nonsense. And a lot of the stuff on the site is self-involved guff.
Did we not take the lead twice with 352?? First half we had not one attempt on goal...
Not a fan of 3-5-2 but if bobby insists on playing it then he would have to play it with
Kolo/Richards -Kompany -Lescott/Nastasic .

I still don't understand why Kolo wasn't included in the CL team . He was good in the game at Anfield and his experience could help when we want to "pack the bus" (something we failed to do at the bernabeu). We would also need another "workhorse" in the midfield , someone similar to Yaya , right now no one in our midfield has the intimidating presence and strength that yaya has so if bobby insists on playing this 3-5-2 formation then he had better bring in someone similar to Yaya in the January transfer window and that player is no other than Fellaini .
twinkletoes said:
A deflected goal and a defensive mistake lost us the game last night not Mancini's decisions.

real had chances all game. no matter what formation mancini used
Didsbury Dave said:
gazinho said:
Are you Andy Townsend??? We clearly went to 3 at the back at half time with Clichy slotting in alongside Nasti and Kompany with the latters job presumably to restrict Ronaldo's threat when he cut inside leaving Maicon pretty much 1 on 1 with Marcelo. He made the change in my eyes due to there being numerous occasions in the first half where Marcelo and Ronaldo had 2 on 1 situations against Maicon due to first Nasri then Silva not tracking back.

In my opinion it worked well for the first 20/25 minutes of the second half but as they pushed on more and more I personally would have taken Tevez off at 1-1 and replaced him with Rodwell leaving Yaya to get up and around Dzeko if we broke and giving the defensive 3 more cover.

No we didn't, We made the change when Zabaleta came on.

You can only think that if you were sat at home. We played 3 / 5 at the back the whole second half, you could clearly see Clichy was tucked in the whole of the second half if you were at the game.

The big change when Zaba came on is that we dropped a lot deeper and invited pressure on. That's not his fault and I'm sure it was possibly Mancini's instructions despite his quotes to the contrary. But the change in shape happened long before Zaba came on.

It was a gamble which ultimately didn't pay off, but remember we'd not had a shot on goal before the break and the change in shape gave Yaya far more licence to get forward which he did to great effect. We created far more chances playing that shape, but ultimately it didn't work because we got beat.
roberto said we were not brave enough.
without him explaining in detail we have to guess what he meant.
fwiw i think the RM players had more belief in each others intention to attack.
For instance, when Joe had the ball, the option to pass it out from the back was denied us by their tireless closing down, even ronaldo put in a shift. Yet we still stayed deep as if we were going to play our normal game. Inevitably the ball came straight back to the edge of the area. If every one had surged towards the halfway line following the ball, Alonzo would have less time and less options,if we squeezed the play into the centre of the field. Instead we took the ' safe' option staying deep and defending the penalty area. It cost us the game, ultimately
As a general observation, they had more world-class players than us, a stronger bench and what appeared to be a higher level of fitness. Plus, playing in the prem is poor preparation for the CL, the ref's have different priorities, the speed of thought is quicker, and the technical requirements both mental and physical are higher.
Didsbury Dave said:
Damanino said:
Pretty sure Mancini will use 352 many more times in the season.

He tried it sometimes last year he practiced it in all pre season matches and tried it against Liverpool and yesterday too.

We dont play it well right now that is true. Dont think we wont see it again. Some kind of plan B, which is very much important for Mancini to have a plan be.

But if we defend so bad it doesnt matter what is the system. Bad mistakes are bad mistakes in every system. And Madrid is gonna use that mistakes. In first half Hart had 3 huge saves to prevent them from scoring. The last two times he couldnt save that was the main difference. System this system that.

Ronaldo had about the same shot in the end like in first half. Maicon/Kompany was nowhere that time too.

He should learn his lesson from Liverpool and last night. On both occasions it played into the opponents hands. Just fucking drop it. And of course the system matters: as soon as we changed it Madrid scored goals from space which the system creates.

Oh and don't get me going on Maicon. Another Sylvenio. His legs have gone. Zabaleta, for all his faults, should have started.

Well how come City kept a clean sheet for the 75 minutes that Maicon was on and conceded three in the 15 minutes after he was replaced?
completely agree, I saw us take control of the game, create several great opportunities and somehow we found ourselves losing.

Don't think anyone other than AK's freekick can look at themselves in that last 15 minutes and say they did themselves justice.<br /><br />-- Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:47 am --<br /><br />
JGL07 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Damanino said:
Pretty sure Mancini will use 352 many more times in the season.

He tried it sometimes last year he practiced it in all pre season matches and tried it against Liverpool and yesterday too.

We dont play it well right now that is true. Dont think we wont see it again. Some kind of plan B, which is very much important for Mancini to have a plan be.

But if we defend so bad it doesnt matter what is the system. Bad mistakes are bad mistakes in every system. And Madrid is gonna use that mistakes. In first half Hart had 3 huge saves to prevent them from scoring. The last two times he couldnt save that was the main difference. System this system that.

Ronaldo had about the same shot in the end like in first half. Maicon/Kompany was nowhere that time too.

He should learn his lesson from Liverpool and last night. On both occasions it played into the opponents hands. Just fucking drop it. And of course the system matters: as soon as we changed it Madrid scored goals from space which the system creates.

Oh and don't get me going on Maicon. Another Sylvenio. His legs have gone. Zabaleta, for all his faults, should have started.

Well how come City kept a clean sheet for the 75 minutes that Maicon was on and conceded three in the 15 minutes after he was replaced?

cos Vinnie cocked up and Zaba thought he was Lionel fucking Messi and wouldn't do his job at RB.

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