Wow. I work next to a guy that has been spoon fed the idea that the WHOLE government is communist. Not just Democrats. He won't say where he gets his ideas from.... Just that "The truth is out there, you just have to find it"... FFS.

Mind you, he is affiliated with a certain religion that ALL think the same way...
element_mcfc said:
lol, yeah is that christianity by any chance?
funny vid that isnt it, hopefully thats not the majority in the us?

Sadly I live in a Republican state, so yeah, it's the majority of the people that surround me.

1. Obama doesn't have a birth certificate
2. Obama preaches socialism and 'forces' children to be brainwashed to his ideology.
3. Blah
4. Blah
5. Fucking
6. Blah

He's actually a Mormon. The thing that gets me is he didn't have a problem with the last President that started wars and threw the country into a recession. No sir. Everything is Obama's fault.

FFS. I don't care if you don't like the man or his party, but don't go all right wing extremist and making up whacky conspiracy theories, it just makes you look like a lunatic.
It's quality. We have our fair share of people like that over here it's cringing.

So easy to catch these people out. Because they always start of trying to sound like they know what's going on then get stuck. They want there face on telly so badly that they'll not even think about actually knowing what they want to say.

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