I won't watch the video because I can only fear what stupid thing my fellow countrymen have said. With that being said I would like to point out we all have idiots in our countries!
The scariest thing about this vid is that there is a large section of the population of all societies that only read headlines and believe what they are told to by Murdoch/ruling regime. The uninformed will decide most elections and palin knows this, wouldn't be surprised at all if she ran, and won!

On a lighter note, did anybody else detect a hint of 'pisstake' in the way the interviewer threw the mike back at them to answer his question. I think he was having a right laugh at their expense.
yeah he was obviously! anytime he asks a question about anytihng important (apart from "she is totally rad man and is like the american dream and totally makes me feel safe with the way i carry myself") they just say "where are you going with this", erm "i couldnt tell you right off the bat".

but yeah im sure if you did the same to some places in britiain you would get worse, but these seem like everyday americans ! i know it wont be all tho
It's the same here. It's what happens when the media spoonfeed opinions to the public. What some people (general public) fail to realise is that the media decide what is newsorthy and what isn't newsworthy. Important news isn't necessarily newsworthy unless it will help to sell papers. The media are very self -serving in that way. It's the same everywhere. Out of the 700+ planned terrorists attacks of last year, less than 1% had any ties to Muslims. I asked somebody at work how many she though were carried out by Muslims, and she responded 'nearly all of them?'

To be fair though, anybody who lets a paper with a topless girl section, have strong influence on their own political opinion, is a bit of an idiot.

I imagine the same thing would happen here if you questioned the general public here. Infact i can guarantee it would be even more cringeworthy at a BNP rally. Not having a go at BNP voters...just using it as most obvious example.
lets face it all these people who want to make her the first woman president of the usa, arnt exactly america`s finest A grade material.

all the intelligent ones were probably shaking their head in front of the tv.
I want a smart president ... I really do! ... I'm tired of stupid policies and bills being passed that spend rediculous amounts of money to bail out stupid companies that do not deserve it or on things that we do not need. I try with all my might to avoid it because it pisses me off. I just know that we have a bunch of idiots high up on the totem pole!
Greiver said:
I want a smart president ... I really do! ... I'm tired of stupid policies and bills being passed that spend rediculous amounts of money to bail out stupid companies that do not deserve it or on things that we do not need. I try with all my might to avoid it because it pisses me off. I just know that we have a bunch of idiots high up on the totem pole!

sorry but the american people are there own worst enemies. they deserve a bit of ridicule for electing dumb fucker like ronald macdonald, and george bush junior to such high office.

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