You know your a PROPPER city fan when . . . . . ?

blupoo said:
You know your son's a proper city fan when, on holiday your eight year old is playing on a climbing frame (proudly wearing his city shirt, the only one amongst a sea of united and liverpool shirts) a younger boy appears wearing a RAG shirt with his dad. Your boy (being a little cockey) asks the younger rag "how come you could'nt beat barcalona lasy year but we beat them last night?" The father (defending his son) replies "well how come you've not won anything for thirty odd years?" Being an overprotective dad you want to step in and ask how it feel to start on an eight year old boy when your son responds with " Well how come you don't have a manchester accent?"

PMSL 8 year old legend are surrounded by adversity, bad news and other fans saying you should change your team as they will never win anything. In response you smile and dust yourself, get on your feet and shout.............

You remember being an emotional wreck watching the your beloved blues losing to Gillingham at Wembley.. We all know what happened next!
You know you're a city fan when you defy all logic and sensibility by having a recurring in joke with your friends (and girlfriend) that the punchline is "That Danny Mills screamer".

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