Young love 'n' stuff - a kid in need!

I understand what you mean mate. I had a girlfriend who lived about an hour away and I'd see her most weekends but she became very friendly with one guy who lived a lot closer to her. They seemed to talk a lot more than we did even though out relationship was very strong and if felt like she made more of an effort for him than me.
The thing that confused me was that I was pretty sure he was gay. But I had friends say that he pulled her although that turned out to be them winding me up.

Basically everything will get to you whilst you love her you just have to determine what is rational and what isn't. Sounds like these boys and girl are trying it on so if you know them or whatever have a word with them. basically tell them to piss off
i know how you feel mate, its not that you dont trust her its the dicks that shes mates with that you dont trust. theyre obviously not decent lads if theyre sayin all this shite to her when they know she has a boyfriend! If i found out that somebody had sent them messages to my bird then the shit would be hittin the fan!!!! if i was you id talk to your bird and tell her how you feel and also send out a few rather polite/ threatening messages ;)
Show her this thread.... her reaction will show you the way to go.
Otherwise you will just eat yourself up about something you will look back on a few years and laugh.
Snakes with tits. Don't let them mess you around cos they will if they know they can. Manipulation, it's what they're good at. Mostly by using said tits.
Here's a recommended listen:


It describes it better than I can...

(Skip to 1:25)
Bob; you really are a lovely lad and a great poster. However; if you seriously think you and this young lady are going to live " Happily ever after" - then sadly you are not as smart as I think you are and probably the other members of the Forum think you are.

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