your dad


Well-Known Member
16 Jan 2007
My dad died 16 years ago and I had great relationship with him and I think about him often and miss him so so much, I like to think he would be proud of me and all that I have done in my life

Reason for the post is guy I work with had terrible relationship with his and his dad died recently and funeral was yesterday, I spoke to him few times and he says he was fine and didn't give a shit (although he attended the funeral)

known him for 5 years and all he ever says is that he couldn't wait for his mum and dad to die so he could get the inheritance etc etc, he is in early 40s and still lives in family home, says he won't move out as he wants to make sure he gets the house

Now I can't imagine anyone hating their dad that much, has anyone ever known someone like that or maybe been in similar situation
Couldn't imagine hating my dad. He made sure I was a City fan (even when I was slightly tempted away from the blue side at a young age when living in Germany...). Didn't see him that often when I was young but unfortunately I guess that's what happens when your dad served his country since the age of 16 till about 35 odd. When he came back from a stint in Norway he'd come back with grey hair, now I was only a kid and apparently I told him he had snow in his hair, couldn't get my head round hair changing colour! Still remember when he came back from some tour and I walked downstairs when I woke up and the dining table had a huge mountain of toys. Due to him I travelled the world a bit when I was younger, Germany, Ukraine, Ireland etc - couldn't imagine living in one house for all your childhood. He resides on the coast now in Tynemouth, proud of him. Served his country and got to a respectable level then left and got a decent job in business.

I know it's not what you were asking about OP, but yeah. Thanks dad!
My dad died just under 2 years ago and i miss and think about him everyday. My natural mother left my dad when I was 2 years old, my two brothers were a little older. My dad raised all three of us and it was one big struggle, but he stuck by us all and later he happily re-married.Today i have nothing to do with my natural mum but i certainly don't hate her, its just she has no part in my life and i have no interest in hers.
I had a great relationship withy Dad, sadly he died last year and I miss him terribly.

My wife doesn't get on with her Dad at all, but his behaviour over the last 10 years has been appalling and she has every reason not to like him.

Her folks got divorced ten yrs ago because of his behaviour including knocking her mum about a bit, lashing out at her also. When her mum left him he got worse and his bitterness has consumed him so much so he can't move on with his life and is intent on blaming all his woes on the fact my wife's Mum left him 10 years ago.

He has also been arrested twice due to threatening behaviour towards his ex wife and her new partner, including turning up at the house with a hammer to, I quote 'smash his head in' even though new partner didnt live there and once chasing him down the road with a kitchen knife.

My wife hasn't spoken to her Dad properly for about three years and he wasn't invited to out wedding last year. When he heard we got engaged he left an abusive message on our answer phone explaining how he'd end up 'beating up' my wife's Mum and her other half if we invited them to our wedding as well as him, then several more abusive calls to my wife including telling her she's a disgrace of a daughter as she is taking her mothers side and that he wants nothing more to do with her calling her a ****. Nice chap eh. Little did he know we had no intention of inviting him to the wedding and never told him when or were it was. He only knew it was coming up after his other daughter( who he still talks to) said she'd been for final bridesmaid dress fitting in September last year, cue another expletive filled message on our answer phone.

I don't think she hates him, when we talk about it it's like she is totally indifferent to his existence now, has caused her too much pain and anguish for her to use up the energy hating him.

Personally I wouldn't give him the steam off my piss and if he ever tuned up at our house, as he has threatened to do (thankfully we live 100 miles away) and started his abuse I'd spark the **** out and let him know what it's like to be on the other end of a good slapping from someone bigger, heavier and stronger than you are.
I worry about losing my dad alot, I moved out last year so don't see him very often. But I think our relationship is stronger for it.

Taking him to a few Crystal Palace matches this year and really looking for to them.
I haven't got the best relationship with my dad tbh. We hardly talk to eachother and our only similarity is love for football. It's something that saddens me that we don't get along and it's just awkward an awkward silence if we are together. I'm lucky i get along great with my mum. But i would be devasted if anything happened to him.
I am much closer to my mum than my dad as i lived with my mum when growing up.

I love my dad to bits but he is of a different generation where feelings are not spoken of and are repressed as someone else has said seems football is one of the only things we can enjoy together. In fact part of me thinks the love i feel for my team is a manifestation of my Love for my dad and his side of the family who i rarely see. (though thats possibly another story)

I do wish we could have a closer relationship and this has improved somewhat since i made him a grandad and hopefully this will continue to improve.
My dad died less than 3 months ago and he could be obstinate & stubborn & drove my mum, my brother and I mad a lot of the time. He also put up with a lot from me, particularly in my younger days, but he was still my dad, a great character who taught me a lot and always helped me whenever I needed it.

But I've known people who hated their fathers, mothers, siblings or even children. In some cases they had good reason but in my cases it was a silly fall out over something relatively trivial.

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