your dad

My "real" Dad is a cock and i couldnt give a toss about him...however he is the reason im a City fan, he was born and bred in Manchester and the early part of my life was spent in England.

My step-dad, from Belfast and the reason i now live over here is who i consider to be my "proper" Dad...he raised me as his own and taught me the stuff a Dad should teach his son.

He unfortunately died 17 years ago and i miss him everyday.
ChrisNUFC said:
I am much closer to my mum than my dad as i lived with my mum when growing up.

I love my dad to bits but he is of a different generation where feelings are not spoken of and are repressed as someone else has said seems football is one of the only things we can enjoy together. In fact part of me thinks the love i feel for my team is a manifestation of my Love for my dad and his side of the family who i rarely see. (though thats possibly another story)

I do wish we could have a closer relationship and this has improved somewhat since i made him a grandad and hopefully this will continue to improve.

My father is exactly the same, brought up by very conservative parents and it shows.
He is a great man with a lot of love in his heart he just struggles to show it as i see it makes him uncomfortable.
Give him a few chemicals and some double carbon bonds and he is happy as a pig in shit.

We both love footy but he is a rag, he is pleased for me though knowing all the crap i put up with at school etc.
It is our common bond and i love him dearly.
I wish we could talk more and do stuff together as i know he will go one day and i feel we have not done enough together.

He has been the only stabilizing influence in my life and taught me to be a good person and to trust in what is real aka science.
can't stand my dad haven't seen him in 5/6 years as he doesn't want to know me anymore

my mum has raised me on her own all my life
Threads like this are proof,if any were needed that a Dads duty is to his children and what your parents do and how they act has a profound effect on our lives.

Any shit dads out there who are City fans and reading this GET YOUR F@CKING PRIORITIES SORTED AND LOOK AFTER YOUR KIDS!!W@NKERS!!

Anyway my dad died when i was 9 and he`s the reason i`m a City fan and named after his Favourite City Player Franny Lee (my name is lee).Took me to my first ever game against Bristol city and that was it..i was hooked. He wasn`t always there and i dont have too many memories of him being the perfect dad but what i do have is memories of him being a nice dad,good husband to my mum and he did what he could with what little we lived on. Wish he could have lived to see his grand children but not to be. Miss you Dad even after all this time. Some Dads just dont know how lucky they are to still be around there kids and should make the most of it.
TCIB said:
ChrisNUFC said:
I am much closer to my mum than my dad as i lived with my mum when growing up.

I love my dad to bits but he is of a different generation where feelings are not spoken of and are repressed as someone else has said seems football is one of the only things we can enjoy together. In fact part of me thinks the love i feel for my team is a manifestation of my Love for my dad and his side of the family who i rarely see. (though thats possibly another story)

I do wish we could have a closer relationship and this has improved somewhat since i made him a grandad and hopefully this will continue to improve.

My father is exactly the same, brought up by very conservative parents and it shows.
He is a great man with a lot of love in his heart he just struggles to show it as i see it makes him uncomfortable.
Give him a few chemicals and some double carbon bonds and he is happy as a pig in shit.

We both love footy but he is a rag, he is pleased for me though knowing all the crap i put up with at school etc.
It is our common bond and i love him dearly.
I wish we could talk more and do stuff together as i know he will go one day and i feel we have not done enough together.
He has been the only stabilizing influence in my life and taught me to be a good person and to trust in what is real aka science.

Yeah exactly. I have started to make more of an effort now even to the extent of telling him i love him when we talk/text etc I Know he reciprocates (has even said so after a few shandies) I Just needed him to know how much he means to me. Its a work in progress but we will get there.

I can remember being little and my parents worrying/fussing etc and saying I will understand when I have kids of my own. I used to think they were frankly bonkers, however they were dead right and it has made me appreciate what they have both done for me so much more!
My dad is my best mate and my hero. He's always been there for him when I've needed him the most and I honestly couldn't imagine him not being around.

I just wish he'd get on with my Mrs to make life a bit easier.
My Dad is a dick. Haven't seen him in 2 years, as he is too busy with his new family to give a shit about me or my 2 sisters. It doesn't bother me, but my little sister was only 9 when he left my Mum, and she still doesn't understand that it's him that is the problem, not her.
My old man is a moaning old fucker who, in the forty years he watched me play football, never had a word of praise for my efforts.
He is cantankerous get who disagrees with most things me and the rest of the family say. The only thing we talk about without argueing is footy, unless the subject is SuperMario.
He's a diamond and i wouldn't swap him for anyone else.

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