Your Favourite City Trier Over The Years

BrianW said:
Paul Power - the crowd seemed to hate him, but he always worked hard.
At the time PP was introduced the crowd were used to top class players (Donachie and Tueart down the left) and this gangly, hard-working local lad was very much a step back.
Paul worked very hard on his game and with his passion for the club in no doubt he won the majority of us over.
That fantastic free kick at Villa park in the FAC SF did his standing no harm also.
Really happy for him to get some silverware at Everton as we had imploded at that stage.
Came back to the club to coach the kids.
Top bloke and proud blue is Paul.
Most of mine have already been mentioned, but Neil Pointon had a great attitude and will to win, the Zaba of his day.
Andy May was a decent utility man during an often difficult time for the club, never moaned and was a blue through and through.
As a player, Peter Reid set a fantastic example on the field.
Re: You’re Favourite City Trier Over The Years

blue remix said:
Trevor Sinclair

Jihai Sun

Lee Croft

Ben Thatcher

Martin Petrov


Micheal Tarnat

Paul Bosvelt

You're just being silly.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 11, 2011 8:01 am --<br /><br />I think the award must surely go to someone who is not only a trier, but also a bit crap. Otherwise we would have to have Tevez wouldn't we, and no-one could pigeon hole him as just being "a trier".

So on that basis, there can be only one winner for me: Paul Dickov. Forever in our hearts because of that goal. Gave his all in every game. But ultimately a bit rubbish.

Goater fails for me, on the grounds that he was actually quite good!
Andy Hill, always dependable, always seemed to be trying, never seemed to complain (though I think he was actually a rag)

Colin Hendry
Jeff Whitley had his moments
I can't believe We've been asked to compile a list of effectively City's biggest losers.

I've have seen one post that put Dickov above Anelka, the world has gone mad.
Do you not realise the effort it takes to score Premier league goals? It takes a lot more effort than chasing down the F%&king keeper with no rewards whatsoever.
Slide tackling fullbacks is not effort, it's pathetic, if Dicky really wanted to be great for City he would have spent more time on the training ground improving his abilities, not wasting time no doubt running around fouling players in games of five a side.

The fact that anyone has lumped in Zabaleta with a list that effectively lists City's most loveable losers is frankly insulting to a man that represents Argentina, plays for a top Premiership Club and has played top level football in La Liga and the Prem for years.

Don't get me wrong I have loved certain players listed on this topic. But I cannot understand why people revere Dickov so highly. Yes he scored 'that' goal.
But if he was any good at all, we would never have been in that position in the first place. we had a £1 million centre forward in Division 2 in 99', he should have scored bucket loads not 12 goals. If he had done his job in the other 30 odd games we would never been at Wenbley in the first place.
If Jo somehow scores the goal that wins us the FA Cup final, will he be allowed legendary status for the rest of his career regardless of anything else he does in a City shirt? He wouldn't be by me..
Rant Over.
Tony Grealish.
Michel Vonk.
Jamie Pollock.
Terry Phelan.

All triers in their own way.

Grafters should have been the thread:

Dickov, Goater, Morrison, Tiatto, Tevez, Kompany, Zab, Barton, Tarnat, Bosvelt, Bell, Tueart, McCarthy.
After Saturday, given all he is dealing with on the family front, I am moving Pab Zab up to the top of the list. On and off the pitch, always 100%.

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