Your first ever favourite City player.

Joe Corrigan, an absolute power house of a man, remember being sat in the old platt lane on the wooden benches watchin this guy just fill the goal and he's stayed with me ever since I even use is name in passwords( don't bother trying you'd never guess which order)
r.soleofsalford said:
C_T_I_D said:
Go on then, show your age ladies and gents! It's time to share your first ever favourite player on your journey with our beloved blues. Mine was Eyal Berkovic personally, always thought he was a classy player. Gutted when he went to Pompey.

Feel free to share your own and if you can remember what kind of a debut they add, feel free to rattle that story off aswell. Will make for an interesting thread I reckon.
david wagstaffe great winger i think i was influenced by my dad probably, only a pup when he played. when i was a bit older hard to say really franny, buzzer, mick doyle, not forgetting the king.feel asorry for most of you young pups. but hopefully the times they are a changing to quote the song
I seem to remember my dad pointing out where wagstaffe lived in memory is faded tho after too many years of joey holts..think my first fav was tony coleman.i loved his attitude and he was my mams fav too coz he always got muddy..strange things stick in ones mind lol
In chronological order:
I think DeJong might become my new ledge. If he settles in well and performs like he did against the dippers then he could be special.

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