Your First Fight...


Well-Known Member
15 Feb 2009
Always about, somewhere..
Mine was at secondary school, I think I was 11 and this lad said I'd pinched his goaly gloves (I hadn't). If I didn't give em back he'd knock me out. Anyway we arranged a fight on the fields the next Monday... No idea why we had to wait afew days?

I went home that night and started doing press ups, using my dads dumbells (Huge they were) and doing a bit of Shadow boxing etc. I done this for 3 or 4 days. When I got back to school on the Monday 10am the crowd gathhered, I was shitting myself and then the fight started. Just rolled on the ground really for about 2 minutes and that was it - broken up by a teacher. Called it a draw. Shit fight after all my training and to top it off he admitted they weren't his as he never had any! C**t.

Anyone got anything more exciting?
Must have been Year 10, we were in science doing some mock exams. Anyway I was just going through my exam and the teacher asked some ginger kid to collect the rulers from those who were finished. I wasn't finished as I was ghosting my paper however this ginger kid was trying to tell me I was done then hit me over the head with the rulers he'd collected, side on so it hurt. When we left the class I punched him a couple of times for his troubles and got away with it because I didn't do it in view of teachers. The next day I'd won some student award in assembly and which was greeted by huge ironic cheers from the lads, the face of the head of year was priceless as he couldn't pin it on me.

Probably as shit as yours thinking about it.
Fights as a kid I was in a few. More so playing football than anything else. Used to play a match with my mates agains the traveller's from the site not too far away from us. It used to get messy a bad tackle and all hell would brake loose.

I remember 1 week I got a blackeye from one of the fuckers out of nowhere got the ball and got lifted out of it went over to confront the player who lifted me out of it then 1 of them jumped me from behind the worst black eye I ever got. Those were the days.
Me and my brother used to fight a lot. Being only two years apart meant it was entertaining.

At primary school I'd regularly scrap with this ginger kid who was actually a decent mate.

The best childhood fight I ever had was while playing football with these Pakistani lads in Mossley. Four or five of them surrounded and started smacking our kid so me and a mate jumped in. Then one of their older brothers came down and kicked my fucking arse. Shortly after this my dad showed up and cleared the fuckers out.
I can honestly say I have never had a "fight" per se....

Been beaten up once, which wasnt a fight, but always been able to deflect confrontation away, and have never hit anyone in anger. I hope I can keep that record up for the rest of my life to be honest!

Good stories all the same though!
My first ever fight (I've only had 2 proper ones, brothers don't count) ended with me pounding an obese kid across the back with a cricket bat repeatedly until he wept.

I was 10/11. He was 12. I'm not proud of it but he probably weighed more then than I do now. I didn't do him any real harm, I've never been one for kicking heads etc, I just paddled his fat ass until he couldn't take any more.

Also, he started it!

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