Your First Fight...

12 years old at a bus stop near alexandra parkway and some guy comes walking along grabs my school jacket and starts demanding my ipod, out of nowhere i just swung aimlessly managed to hit him in the temple he just hit the floor and his head seemed to bounce off the pavement, during this he had grabbed my earphones in the process, thought i'd badly injured him and ran off scared that i'd either badly hurt him or that he was going to get up and knock my block off.
Primary school bully picked on one of my mates, needless to say we had a rumble, ending up with me having him in a headlock for all of lunch, nearly choked the poor lad to death, needless to say he saw the error of his ways and we all ended up mates in the end.
Mine was when i was about 7. I was on a family holiday in Rhyl and was playing in the pool. Anyway my brother (12) gets into a fight with this lad (also about 12) and this lad tells me brother to get out of the pool for a fight.

My brother gets out and just as the lad tries to get out i said something like 'No need' or the 7 year old equivalent. I turned him around and punched him in the face twice. He hit me back with his giant 12 year old fists and nearly killed my face. I mustered the strength to throw one more 7 year old haymaker which bust his nose. He had to get out of the pool because of the blood.

Turned out his Dad was the lifeguard and as soon as the lad got out of the pool, he got a right shelling off his Dad. Pants down, smacked arse sort of shelling, in front of everyone. Skit on him.
Last year of primary school I think (or year below) with my best mate at the time. Arranged a fight after school. Don't know why.

I was out of the school doors first so waited on top of a hill for him. Crowd of people gathered, including people from the high school across the road. When he arrived I just punched him once in the face and he ran off down the hill in tears. A few teachers came out so I legged it across the school field.

I felt really bad about it. After all, he was my best mate. I got home and told my Dad that I'd been in a fight, such was the guilt.
"Did you win, son?"
"Yeah I think so"
"That's all that matters."
I was 14 at school with a lad called Mick. Both gave as good as we got but he probably got the better of me. He's a good mate now and often reminds me that he 'battered' me at school.
Must have been about 14 at the time,

was getting bullied by some lads who used to be friends. 1 or 2 in the group were still kind of friends but they finally turnt 1 of them against me and encouraged him to start a fight with me when we got off the school bus on the way home.

He grabbed me and hit me in the stomach, I threw a hayemaker back and caught him square on the cheekbone. Just as it landed his mum come round the corner and stopped it.

Next day in school he had a massive deep purple bruise covering the whole of his cheek. Felt good about that. He actually had the cheek to come up to me and say "have you any idea the embarrasment you've caused me?"
Which was a bit rich seeing as he started it.

Get on with him when i do see him now though.
Never been in a fight.

Closest i've come to one was in secondary school, the guy hit me then ran away to the head of years office...

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