Your First Fight...

i was 10, my mates were all sat down next to armstrongs on polefiled and my mates mum walked past, i said ''gimme that joint nick,'' his mam belted him and dragged him home, later on, we went to his house coz he was grounded. He said ''i want you a fight you little twat''

he was in his hallway putting his trainers on and i was just stood outside with about 20 other kids shouting and cheering. He walked out, nutted me and i just smacked him one in the face a few times. He was acting all boxery and going in and out, trying to duck my punches, his mam came out and told him to stop it, when iwas swinging for him, she'd got in the middle and i caught her in the eye. I stopped to say sorry but then she went, ''get him nick!'' i was saying sorry to her and he ran behind me and bit my tricep on my right arm, wouldnt let go the little bastard, needed to go to doctors for a tetanus aswell. i though i'd play dirty aswell so i reached with my left hand and put my fingers in his eyes, squeezed for a bit then he fell on the floor crying.

The next day he was walking down the street with his mum, both had black eyes. He came up to me and squared up, i punched him in the other eye and he had 2 black eyes about two days later.
I've not been in a fight. Been beaten up a couple of times.

The first time, (about 12-13) I was approached by 3 lads at a bus stop on Princess Parkway in Moss Side after school and the smallest one asked for my money, I got about halfway through a sentence along the lines of "I don't really have any money, I've only..." then CLANG! I just remember a metallic bang, didn't really see the punch coming but I was hit on the temple. Then I was looking up at them and everything was echoing. I got two kicks in the abdomen.
They rifled through my pockets, had my 12p bus fare and my calculator, and walked off. I walked the 4 miles home snivelling all the way. I'd like to meet them now, I'm sure they're doing well for themselves.
Mugatu said:
I've not been in a fight. Been beaten up a couple of times.

The first time, (about 12-13) I was approached by 3 lads at a bus stop on Princess Parkway in Moss Side after school and the smallest one asked for my money, I got about halfway through a sentence along the lines of "I don't really have any money, I've only..." then CLANG! I just remember a metallic bang, didn't really see the punch coming but I was hit on the temple. Then I was looking up at them and everything was echoing. I got two kicks in the abdomen.
They rifled through my pockets, had my 12p bus fare and my calculator, and walked off. I walked the 4 miles home snivelling all the way. I'd like to meet them now, I'm sure they're doing well for themselves.

I am actually... Oh and that Calculator was shit, not even scientific..
In a way you learned from these sort of things when we were growing up how to handle yourself at first and then how to avoid any troble in the later years. If you get a good kicking you no whats its like being on the end of it. When we were growing up like in any group of young lads. There would always be a couple of fights. And they would start over the bullshit things. If someone new moved into the area there would be all sorts of problems the pecking order there could be a few fights within a couple of weeks. Those days are long gone now with the kids the odd fight now and again is good for the young kids give them confidence to look after themselfs if it happens again.

Fighting with brothers I have 4 older brothers. I can tell you now I got a couple of hidings from the older brothers. More so the ginger 1 because I was slagging his ginger perm. Now we all laugh about it.
I was about 10. Some mates put me and another lad up for a fight near the garages after school. The other lad grabbed me by my ears and pulled my head down and kneed me in my face causing my noise to bleed all over my new white cricket jumper. He came round to our house later and apologised to my mum.

We were reasonably good friends after that throughout secondary school. He was and is a City fan too. His name was Billy Duffy. He went on to play in a band - The Cult.

Overall fight record won 1, lost 1, drawn 1.

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