Your hopes and dreams for 2014

Me and my missus have been up and down for a while. We tend to get on really well most of the time but we have our moments where I feel I can't handle much more of it and think about leaving . I'm just wishin that this year we can really sort things. Iv been thinkin about askin the big question to her so I'm hoping we can push things In The right direction together .

I'm also goin to stop my job from gettin to me . Just look at it as something that pays the bills and social life .
caz said:
I had a pretty good 2013, got a new job and got rid of a rubbish boyfriend.

2014 I'm hoping to finish saving up to get my own house and maybe to meet a nice guy.

You wont meet one on here

I myself am after a new job, a few applications in, one interview in January so who knows.
mayo31 said:
caz said:
I had a pretty good 2013, got a new job and got rid of a rubbish boyfriend.

2014 I'm hoping to finish saving up to get my own house and maybe to meet a nice guy.

You wont meet one on here

I myself am after a new job, a few applications in, one interview in January so who knows.
Good luck on the job front
karen7 said:
I hope for a calm and drama free year,this one has been really up and down
I often dream that i wake up one day and have 2 arms/hands that work instead of just the one but sadly that is not going to happen
That sounds really rough on you and your daily life Karen, I'm really wishing all your other hopes and dreams come true one day soon.
Best of luck in 2014 to you and all blues out there.
Some really touching posts, hope you all have an enjoyable and rewarding year and life is a bit easier for those who have had it tough.

For my part, I would love for the job market to pick up enough to let me get a more interesting job, for my girls to stay happy & healthy, for Mrs Tourist to carry on indulging my love of the 'Citizens', and for Kompany to be the first ever captain to lift the English Treble (CL can come next year, I'm not greedy).
BlueHalli said:
Me and my missus have been up and down for a while. We tend to get on really well most of the time but we have our moments where I feel I can't handle much more of it and think about leaving . I'm just wishin that this year we can really sort things. Iv been thinkin about askin the big question to her so I'm hoping we can push things In The right direction together .

I'm also goin to stop my job from gettin to me . Just look at it as something that pays the bills and social life .

Dont give up.
I was working nights up to eight months ago and it was destroying my relationship with my wonderful wife.
I took a lower paid job on days and we have come through it, but only just as we both on the edge of leaving each other.
Good luck.
2014 will hopefully be the start of something great for me.

I'm 22 and have not had much luck moving up career wise at my current job which has really frustrated me to the point of depression as I know I can do better than I currently am. So I am taking a big step in my career which will be risky but very exciting. I met 2 people last year who I have become very close friends with, so after learning more and more about them as the more time we spent together I found that we all share the same frustration in terms of our career. I had an idea of a business and felt I couldn't do this on my own, so I asked them if they would like to be apart of it and they were more excited than me, we have since October been meeting up 1 day a week writing out business plan and mapping out what we need to do.

So far so good! we have a target of April!!

Hopefully all goes well but the way I see it i still live at home and i am only 22, I can take a risk with my career at this stage in my life as I have no real responsibilities, no mortgage, no essential bills!

Bring on 2014!!
Kirkstall Blue said:
karen7 said:
I hope for a calm and drama free year,this one has been really up and down
I often dream that i wake up one day and have 2 arms/hands that work instead of just the one but sadly that is not going to happen
That sounds really rough on you and your daily life Karen, I'm really wishing all your other hopes and dreams come true one day soon.
Best of luck in 2014 to you and all blues out there.

Thanks very much
Life is not easy but i know there are a lot worse off than me,i was just having one of those new years eve wistful moments
To be happy and provide for my family!!

And city to win any sort of double!!! Would be amazing.
mayo31 said:
caz said:
I had a pretty good 2013, got a new job and got rid of a rubbish boyfriend.

2014 I'm hoping to finish saving up to get my own house and maybe to meet a nice guy.

You wont meet one on here

I myself am after a new job, a few applications in, one interview in January so who knows.

Don't worry wasn't planning on using this as a dating website! Good luck on finding a new job! Definitely was the highlight of my year.

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