Your plans for FA cup final day (if you ARE going)

alibee73 said:
first class virgin from pic to euston watchin blue moon risin on the wifes ipad.
tube to marlybone then chiltern trains to wembly stadium station.
1 min walk to the wembley hilton and book into the plaza room with a side view of the stadium.
4 min walk up to the green man.
5 min walk back to the stadium to take up my seat right behind the net to sing Abide with me which my nanna told me was a funeral song when i had it at my weddin!

i am a southstander ex kippax boy who has been a blue for life and a ticket holder since 84 so i thought i would treat myself. Blue Army! breeze
Good man don't blame yer i,m on a minibus with 15 other pissed up fartin blues, wouldn't swop though.
Shafter said:
Kenney_The_Blue said:
Train from piccadilly to euston at 8:15.
Get to London for around 10:30.
Find a decent boozer.
Roundabout for about half 12.
Party on roundabout till 2:30.
Then to the ground!

Come on city!

Exactly what you are doing except for an earlier train and and earlier apperance on the roundabout.

The roundabout will be red n white i'll tell thee :-)

A deluded six fingered tosser who thinks that our plans for the roundabout include allowing thier care in the community fan base anywhere near the thing.
bluefromleve32 said:
leave at 6.30am

green man 11 - 1130ish

pissed by 2pm

ground 230pm
5.15AM TRAIN FROM Darlington-cheap tickets
8.15 Kings Cross
Wander round meet fellow blues and of to Wemberleeeeeee
Watch Citeh win the cupxxxxxxxxx
Home 9pm choo choo-horlicks and sweet dreams
Green Man for a few scoops, then onto watch the mighty Blues win the FA Cup. Looks oh so simple when it's written down !!
Tues night fly from Sydney to Dubai and then to London, thur and fri in Greenwich staying with best mate, fri meet up with some Sydney blues. Sat probably head to town about 1030, have some bevies head to wembley, have some more bevvies, watch city win. 24 hours celebration back on a plane to Sydney arrive 6 am, shower and go to work.
squirtyflower said:
sounds like a well organised and great weekend

enjoy blue!

-- Fri May 06, 2011 7:13 pm --

haven't you told the kids yet?

they might want a new scarf, or revel in the excitement!

Not told the kids. Only had it confirmed today that tickets are on, so didn't want to get their hopes up.
I think the eldest, whose 6, may actually piss himself.

Not sure who will be more surprised - the kids when i tell them or the missus when i jump into bed in the early hours with my "i love you head" on !!!

They might have left you before then for someone who can get a ticket!<br /><br />-- Sat May 07, 2011 9:41 am --<br /><br />Leeds to Kings Cross friday afternoon

check into hotel in Sussex Gardens off Edgware Rd

Piss round my fav real ale pubs

Sat - breakkie then early to Green Man

beer, beer, barbie, beer

Match - goal, poznan, goal, poznan, goal, poznan

lift trophy

eshiers1,can you give me some details about the trains and times,i am staying at Filey that weekend was gonna drive to wembley but looking at your post seems easier an quicker by train ?
Me and the lad leaving Stoke 7.30am, M6,M42,M40, park up at Gerrards Cross, train into Marylebone, meet up with the chaps for food and drink around Baker Street, train back up to Wembley, get in the stadium in time for Abide With Me and having personally waited 54 years to watch my beloved Stoke City play in their first FA Cup final finally realise my ambition.

And may the best team win.
Up at 8:00 then dye my beard sky blue. Train from Warrington to Euston - upgraded to first class (extra £15 cos I'm worth it) and a pint or two as no booze restrictions. Tube to Wembley Park Station. Get some nosh and wonder around in a daze and listen to GMR on my iphone radio app until its time.

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