Your unsung hero of the season...

Zabba without a doubt. Never lets us down. Hes played left back, right back, centre back & midfield and given it everything in every game hes played. I just love the guy. Im suprised hes not played in nets! Johnson should take a lesson in attitude from Zabba. A grafter and loyal.
milner; barry, lescot
the 3 they said where only at city for the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but have done there best when called!!!!
Gareth Barry and Pablo Zabaleta.

For me, Barry is an integral part of our team and the most under-rated player. He binds together the attack and defence so well and he was brilliant against United in the derby.

All season he breaks up play and then lets the others get on with it. He covers the full backs when they bomb forward and he protects the centre halves. Anyone who doesn't see the benefit he adds to the team doesn't really understand football, in my humble opinion.
Abbeygoo said:
Gareth Barry and Pablo Zabaleta.

For me, Barry is an integral part of our team and the most under-rated player. He binds together the attack and defence so well and he was brilliant against United in the derby.

All season he breaks up play and then lets the others get on with it. He covers the full backs when they bomb forward and he protects the centre halves. Anyone who doesn't see the benefit he adds to the team doesn't really understand football, in my humble opinion.

The ''problem'' with Barry is he had a poor World Cup in South Africa - BUT WHO DIDN'T?
But Barry was one of the fall guys for that 4th German goal when he simply had no pace at all and that has stuck in people's memories.
So the London media will still masterbate over their darling Scott Parker, while ignoring the fantastic contribution Barry has made this season

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