Your unsung hero of the season...

Barry, so many other fans, and unfortunately some city fans, say he's shit but he's absolutely brilliant. going to be very difficult to replace when he retires or moves on because he breaks up play and distributes the ball so so well.
Clichy, zabba and lescott also deserve a mention, lescott especially has been sublime.
Hard to pick one from Barry, Lescott and Zabaleta.

But if pressed, I'd have to say GB18.

I think most people have started to realise what a great centre-back Joleon Lescott is and how well he complements Vincent Kompany.

We all love Pablo and recognise his devotion to the cause, his willingness to play wherever he is asked to help the team and the way he gets stuck in with his never-say-die attitude.

But there are still people who can't or won't see how essential Gareth Barry's contribution to our success has been this season.

There was even a poster on here a few days ago, saying Barry is absolute poo. As was pointed out to him / her, if that's what he / she really thinks, there is no point him / her going anywhere near a football pitch again.

firkinbarsteward said:
Zabba without a doubt. Never lets us down. Hes played left back, right back, centre back & midfield and given it everything in every game hes played. I just love the guy. Im suprised hes not played in nets! Johnson should take a lesson in attitude from Zabba. A grafter and loyal.
This is a very tricky question considering how many unsung heroes we have had.

On the field I would have to say it's neck and neck between Gaz Baz and Lescott. As much as I love Zaba and his one of my favourites, he has played a bit part role in the season (and played it very well mind you).

If I had to pick one I would have to go with Gareth Barry, but the slightest of margins. His been an unsung hero since the time he arrived here and has never got the credit he deserves.

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