Your worst ever injuries....

Carstairs said:
Twisted Testicle (twice).

deeply unpleasant

Did not the first time put you off doing it again.I really dont understand ome people....

2 fingers in a wood chipper,thought it had stopped.The engine had but a piece from inside had come loose and the blades were still spinning.
Home made bomb went off in my hand,showed my mum the shard going through my hand and she fainted
Worst ever was washing my tackle with the wifes shower had those ground up almond shells and some 'got stuck' sore as hell for days and I hadn't clue what was causing the pain
Around the age of 7 or 8, I tripped over a piece of wood for our wood stove in the middle of winter. My whole forearm landed quite nicely on the top of said wood stove. Every morning for the next two weeks or so I would have to go into the clinic to get the dead skin scraped off my arm with what amounted to steel wool to keep infection out. Lovely stuff.
I was tending the vegetable garden. It was a hot day and I went naked, as you do. Slipped on a wet cabbage leaf and landed on a carrot id just washed and turned round so the pointed end was poking up. You can imagine what happened next.

For some reason the nurses at A&E didn't seem to believe me.
Got shot in the ankle when i was 14 off my mates 22 air rifle, waited in A & E for 4 hours before i was seen to in agony, the pellet had gone into the bone and they had to smash the fuck out of my ankle to get it out. Was in plaster for 3 months and told as a 14 year old to expect to have arthritis in a few years such was the mess they made out of it.
Ankle fractured in several places, dislocated and ligaments ruptured on both sides after a heavy landing when going up for a header. Two operations and 13 weeks in plaster. My left leg now contains so much metal that I once woke up to find gipsies trying to steal it and sell it for scrap.
Having my back sliced wide open when a nutter shoved me through a plate glass shop window stung a bit as well
Slightly dislocated my knee playing 5 a side, knew something shit was up but decided to just hobble around in goal. Made an instinctive save and put my weight on it and it popped back in. Luckily im a idiot and thought that would be that, went home and had a day or two off of college as it swelled up. A week later i was chatting to a lass in college, she dropped her pen so i knelt down to pick it up for her and didn't get back up. Turns out my meniscus had torn off and lodged itself between the joint,
Fucking idiot of a lecturer phones the old ambulance after i specifically said not to, and i get wheeled as slow as you like through college and hoisted into the ambulance in full view of 2000 students waiting to get the buses home.

Repaired the meniscus and 2 days later was at leeds festival in the mosh pits on crutches.

...The next year i fucking do it in again 3 weeks before leeds.
They removed it this time, and 4 days after the op im moshing again.

Dislocated knee => torn meniscus => repaired => torn again => removed
I have two but nothing as sever as i have read ion here

Cut 2 fingers to the bone with a stanley knife at work, remember kids always cut away from yourself, few stitches and a scar for life

415V across my chest from some cunts dodgy electrical installation that i had gone to investigate why it was not working. I found out why when i fell 12 foot and my heart stopped. Nice evening in hospital with a burns specialist poking me about every hour and a heart specialist poking me whenever the burns specialist fucked off. I was fine just a nice little 5 second break for my heart

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