I have been looking at the difference in stats between Zabba and Lichtsteiner over the past 4 years:
Similar stats for shot accuracy, goals, duels won, average pass length and defensive errors.
Zabba has a significantly higher passing accuracy 85% compared to Lichtsteiner's 78%;
Zabba makes twice as many defensive actions, 6 compared to 3;
Lichtsteiner created an average of 19 chances per year over 4 years, Zabba made an average of 23 chances per year the previous 3 years, but a below par season last year took his 4 year average to 18 chances per year.
Overall Zabba has a total performance score of 1,872 compared to Lichtsteiner with 1,467.
Zabba seems a much better player based on these stats, plus a year younger and PL experienced, I hope we re-consider the sale of Zabba!