General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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What game do I have to 'up'? Where is the line between sympathy and support for a cause? It seems language is easily twisted.
You didn't read the Spectator blog did you.

Also, the two things he was tarred with aren't and weren't illegal which is not what you said, mate.
What game do I have to 'up'? Where is the line between sympathy and support for a cause? It seems language is easily twisted.

If you sympathise with the IRA you support them, noticed you didn't mention the other points. So I will ask again how many ukip supporter or brexiters have been charged with racism
Sick of hearing, I wouldn't vote tory, but I will vote for may??
I've not read that once you've fair.

I know you posted a lid of rebuttals above that but I don't agree with them and neither will change the mind of the other so there's no point me quoting them individually.
Anyone expecting "the other place" to notice this thread and log in with old/new accounts to redress the balance?
Supporting the IRA with political sympathy isn't illegal at all. Nor was it. Or Gerry Adams wouldn't have last two minutes.

The problems with anti-Semitism in the Labour Party are well known. It's also not illegal to be anti-Semitic.

But the other things mentioned you agree are true?

Some reading for you:

Before you moan about the sources, read the on record quotes as well as the editorial.
With the anti-semite stuff I'm not bothered tbh. For every genuine anti Semite in this country there is a corresponding pro isreal loon to give balance. For every £ donated one way there is an Israeli donation to a politician to go on a 5* "fact finding" mission to Isreal. I'm actually confident that this country is still decent enough to weed out and reject true anti Semites from politics without external input.
The IRA stuff is just dialogue which is the first requisite of any peace process. Jezza should be applauded for his efforts which were light years ahead of their time :-)
I never understand these posts. Any particular reason why anyone should put more importance on what Charlie Brooker says as opposed to Irene from the local shop. Do you need celebs to reaffirm your view? If Russell Brand asked you jump in a fire would you?
To say that is to completely misunderstand why people use quotes. Importance has nothing to do with it. It's because others often say things better than we could.

"But then I wouldn't imagine you'd understand such things being a Tory supporter". Nico1
You didn't read the Spectator blog did you.

Also, the two things he was tarred with aren't and weren't illegal which is not what you said, mate.
Spectator link won't work for me sorry mate :-(
I'm not sure it will contain any surprises for me though.
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