Lunatics on the Metro.

Jam Tomorrow

Well-Known Member
10 Feb 2013
Had a rather interesting journey into town today, won’t bore you all with the details but a deranged young man made a beeline for me as I got on at Hollinwood, pushing and shoving and wanted to fight with me, followed me down to another part of the tram. I ignored him but he was wired to the moon and I assumed he would look to thump me at some point so managed to recruit a couple of guys to back me up if needed, he then went started abusing others and went for one of the guys I had asked to help, I stepped in between and the lunatic finally got off at Monsall, not exactly pleasant for anyone.

on the return journey i was like a coiled spring ready to smash anyone with a makeshift knuckle duster if they looked like a threat.

the tram system can be really good but something needs doing as it seems there are more and more deranged people using it, i for one wont use it again in a hurry.
I was once on the Metro when some weird guy stood in the vestibule and gave us all a talk on religious history. Apart from the fact he kept repeating himself, it was pretty interesting. But what was really interesting was that everyone, irrespective of colour or religion, behaved like true Brits by pretending he wasn't there.

Funny place, the Metrolink. All life is there.
Had a rather interesting journey into town today, won’t bore you all with the details but a deranged young man made a beeline for me as I got on at Hollinwood, pushing and shoving and wanted to fight with me, followed me down to another part of the tram. I ignored him but he was wired to the moon and I assumed he would look to thump me at some point so managed to recruit a couple of guys to back me up if needed, he then went started abusing others and went for one of the guys I had asked to help, I stepped in between and the lunatic finally got off at Monsall, not exactly pleasant for anyone.

on the return journey i was like a coiled spring ready to smash anyone with a makeshift knuckle duster if they looked like a threat.

the tram system can be really good but something needs doing as it seems there are more and more deranged people using it, i for one wont use it again in a hurry.
Just as well he didn't fall asleep. He sounds like he needed a good slap.
Had a rather interesting journey into town today, won’t bore you all with the details but a deranged young man made a beeline for me as I got on at Hollinwood, pushing and shoving and wanted to fight with me, followed me down to another part of the tram. I ignored him but he was wired to the moon and I assumed he would look to thump me at some point so managed to recruit a couple of guys to back me up if needed, he then went started abusing others and went for one of the guys I had asked to help, I stepped in between and the lunatic finally got off at Monsall, not exactly pleasant for anyone.

on the return journey i was like a coiled spring ready to smash anyone with a makeshift knuckle duster if they looked like a threat.

the tram system can be really good but something needs doing as it seems there are more and more deranged people using it, i for one wont use it again in a hurry.
Wasn't Grealish was it?

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