Britain First

From that TV programme Britain First seemed quite a harmless bunch to me.

They have their beliefs and don't advocate violence or demand that everyone adheres to or makes allowances for their social or religious rules.

They put their case forward and ask others to listen.

Compared to some of the political and religious zealots we have in our midst and cause so much work for our security services they seem quite benign.

They are run by one of the former leaders of the BNP James Dowson mate
They're idiots.
I'd much rather their views be aired so that reasonable and educated people can correct them than be censored and stifled. That's the biggest recruiting sergeant that the far right has. That nobody listens.
People threatening to kill and rape her has just reinforced their beliefs.
A sensible, middle ground needs to be there to address everyone's concerns.
Shying away from issues in the guise of political correctness and not addressing problems resulted in the situation we had /are still having in Rotherham and Rochdale etc.
It allows the neo nazis to fan the flames and muster support.
I love Britain First.

It's a great way to cull cunts from Facebook. Just see anything shared with their logo and you can defriend them.

I found some old school mates sharing this stuff and was really shocked. These are educated guys with good job's 2.4 kids etc.
I agree there is debate to be had here and both sides should be heard without being tarred this and that. However big English flags surrounded by skin head thug type pics is not really addressing the issue is it.
Two of them i still find myself shocked about having to delete but hey-ho such is life.
Their Facebook is hilarious and full of thick, racist bigots, just lifted this with regard to building a mosque in Burton-on-Trent, "Disgusting, time all anti British acts in this country were banned". How is the building of a mosque anti-British?
From that TV programme Britain First seemed quite a harmless bunch to me.

They have their beliefs and don't advocate violence or demand that everyone adheres to or makes allowances for their social or religious rules.

They put their case forward and ask others to listen.

Compared to some of the political and religious zealots we have in our midst and cause so much work for our security services they seem quite benign.

You must've missed the 'security' goons threatening to smash an old boys jaw if he didn't move from his spot on a public footpath.
And the harassing of tax paying business owners
And the 700 coppers needed to police the 200 pricks on their piss-up.
The BBC could make a programme on football fans and concentrate on a few drunken young idiots, but they'd be very unrepresentative of the mainly sober, middle aged, middle class fans who now form a high proportion of the crowds at football matches.

The BBC made a programme about some people who oppose large scale immigration and are concerned that some cultural groups do not integrate into our society.

For its own reasons the BBC chose Britain First for this programme, not anyone from the millions of UK people who are not in Britain First and who also have concerns in these areas.

Just as most football fans are ordinary middle of the road people, so are most people who have concerns about immigration and multiculturalism.

I'm not sure the Britain First programme taught us anything really, because we all know that unrepresentative minorities exist among all groups of people.
They are run by one of the former leaders of the BNP James Dowson mate

Britain first is a massive charity scam too, collecting for Help for Heroes and the like but never giving the cash over, while using Emotive subjects and click bait on Facebook to raise there own profile and gain donations.

They are utter scum.

I think James Dawson is part of the group but the head honcho is a guy called Paul Golding, Closer to EDL and national front than BNP. Here he is showing his respect at the cenotaph!. And yes, that is a pair of knickers on his head!.

Here's some more reading about them!
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The 7/7 bombers all came from one group of people. There were TV programmes about them. What did those programmes teach us about that group of people as a whole?


The programmes were informative but anecdotal, with no wider conclusions to be drawn.

That's all that can be said about the Britain First programme too.

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