United post-match thread

The conclusion I've come to after reading this thread: too many of us are far too concerned about the rags and getting abuse off the vermin who support them.

Firstly, ignore them. They are in a worse position than us and it showed, in team selection and the celebrations of the fans at the end of the game. It meant more to them.

Secondly, any rag who dishes out any abuse about last night's game is either deluded or so worried about the future that they've got to cling on to any scrap of victory we allow them.

The run of form is slightly worrying, but I wouldn't include last night in that run of form. It was correctly the bottom of our priorities and it would have been regardless of opposition.

It might be time to panic if the winless run extends significantly, but anyone that can't see the benefits of resting our important players last night are letting their hatred for the rags cloud their judgement.

Understandable I suppose but city come first and always will.
Ok then the same question but Spurs, Liverpool, Chelsea etc, same principle but we just happend to be playing them last night so that was why I asked the question about them, simple enough concept? So no it wasn't who we played at all, don't try to guess what my problem was please as you don't know. It was OUR cup to defend like I have said in other posts.
Well I can't say I believe your protestations, but I'm sure your not in the least bothered. In answer to the question lets be fair, the precedent has been set last year, the difference is were not defending the FA cup and unlike last year when were were in the latter stages of the League cup this year we wont be so time will tell.
4 games and yes it will make a huge difference in January for a start. It also means we have 4 weeks with no midweek games. That means that Pep can actually prepare for the important stuff of the league and have players fresh and train accordingly.

Pretty sure it is 3 games. Win last night are we were only 2 games away from the final. Only game in January would have been the semi-final.
Pretty sure it is 3 games. Win last night are we were only 2 games away from the final. Only game in January would have been the semi-final.
It's four games we have 'saved' ourselves.

Everyone and their grandma knows the semi is over two legs. We've had enough of them.
Wipe your fanny.

FA Cup

In that order. The first team can't play every three days for 3 weeks at full pelt. Half of them would end up injured and missing December and January and the moaning ****s would have something to moan about.
Well why bother entering it then? Or throw it in the first round and let fans know that is the intention. Was pointless me wasting money to go and watch us play in it all those times over the years if
it means so little. We cannot pick and choose as we don't have the trophies to back that sort of arrogance up.

I agree with you in that we must prioritise but had we not cocked 2 home games up by playing the football we did we wouldn't be under pressure going into the WBA game. Hell, maybe it would have been better to play our first team last night, our 'reserves' at the weekend and first team again against Barca if people honestly believe they need such vast amounts of rest between matches. Would have given then even more of a break surely?
Our second string was better than them until the Kompany/Kolorov swap.

Happy to sacrifice last night for the greater good, although I'd have rather had Silva on the bench to change the game. Everything is fine and on track.

Exactly where I am DD. Thought at half time they were there for the taking. Would help a lot more though if we put our teeth back in up front

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