David Silva - 2016/17 performances

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He has an ego. He's not fragile. He's merely asking the question why is his name not heard as much as others.

He's doubting others not himself.

You're opinion is wrong. Think you have misconstrued my ramblings.

If Messi was at our club some would still not be happy.

Perfection does not exist... David ain't too far from it though in my and others opinions.
You could probably say that about a lot of players. He'll only hear the Sergio song after the lad scores, and unfortunately yer man Silva doesn't score enough. I know he makes assists, but when the ball hits the back of the net, it's the scorer who the fans celebrate, not the assist. Maybe afterwards everyone will praise the pass, and they often do on here. However, from where I stand, everyone sings his name every time he takes a corner.
To me it seems as simple as his song simply isn't as catchy/easy to sing as say the Sergio/De Bruyne song, and he doesn't have as many obvious game changing moments as a goalscorer or defender may have. A great tackle or a great goal will obviously trigger off the songs about those players; being immaculate for 90 minutes & dominating a game isn't the sort of thing to trigger a song unfortunately.

It's a shame as he's my favourite player, but it's also understandable - and absolutely not a reflection on how loved the guy is. The vast, vast majority of City fans will hold this guy in the top, top tier of players to grace this club; I would hope he knows that really, even if his name isn't chanted as much as some of the others.

Been very good again this season, hopefully keeps it up.
I think the last time I really saw us struggling and Dave took the bull by the horns and said "this is my game and I'm going to win it single-handedly" was the Liverpool/Hillsborough match. Yes we lost in the end, but it was him pulling us back from 2-0 that at least gave us a chance. He may have done it since I just can't recall them.

Now for someone of his quality, that should be happening 7/8 games out of 10 when we're down in the dumps. That's why he's not one of the world greats imo, he was often, and can still be, fabulous to watch but it often feels like the icing to a cake someone else has built during the game.

When he did what he did at Blackpool that's the player I thought we would get. Beautiful to watch and when we needed it, he'd step up and win us game after game single-handedly if needed because he was so much better than the rest. It hasn't gone that way and while he has been fantastic for City, there's always been something missing to his game.

Add the fact that nothing really rhymes with Silva and that's where the issue lies. He will a club legend for eternity, but for me Kun & Yaya for on-field contribution will always sit just ahead. I'm with PB on this one by and large.
The Ole song is like Dave, smooth and classy. It'll never get belted out like the other's mentioned (Komps, Zaba,KDB & Sergio) as it's not hat type of chant.

He's consistently the best player at the club and causes zero shit from what I can see. A model professional without the Zaba iron.

Without taking the thread off topic but all our players should aspire to Dave's quiet off pitch approach if only they all did.
Past it. The sooner we realise that players like him and Aguero are gradually getting worse, the sooner we can build a new winning team.
Was our best player today. Really did take the fight to them on his own.
Most went missing, Silva and Sterling didn't.
We need more movement up front like Sterling provided 1st half. Maybe Jesus will be the answer... Can only hope.

Sub of Kelechi didn't work.. Not his fault. Needed width after the 2nd goal . I know most dislike him but Navas needed to come on in my opinion.
We need more movement up front like Sterling provided 1st half. Maybe Jesus will be the answer... Can only hope.

Sub of Kelechi didn't work.. Not his fault. Needed width after the 2nd goal . I know most dislike him but Navas needed to come on in my opinion.

The bringing on of Iheanacho was a disaster. Not going to slate the lad, or iffer an opinion on how he played. But his spatial awareness was hideous and he closed se real avenues down for Silva. Sane or even Navas should have been on to offer runners off the ball.
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