Ballotelli Missing

B3nStr0ng said:
To be honest it does show a lack of respect to the fans from mario. The italy camp arent meeting up til tomoz, Spanish dave is joining the spanish team weds, nasri and clichy joining the french team on the same day. However every other player was on that Bus, yaya was injured, fair enough! Zaba left strait after the tour, and it would of been understandable for him to leave to see his father but no he is a true gent who oozes class.

I dont argue with the fact he played his part an set up the winner, and i will be eternally grateful but i wish he could of waited 24 hours to show his appreciation for the fans who have, in the majority, stuck by him through all the shit.

But he didnt........

Thank you
bluebrickroad said:
Can someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I watched 90% of the coverage on the official site but never noticed NDJ amongst the players.

I'm sure I must have missed him as I cannot imagine him not being there.

He was there but i think he was hanging very hard and decided to hide
BoyBlue_1985 said:
bluebrickroad said:
Can someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I watched 90% of the coverage on the official site but never noticed NDJ amongst the players.

I'm sure I must have missed him as I cannot imagine him not being there.

He was there but i think he was hanging very hard and decided to hide

He wasnt hiding he was playing beach ball with the fans along deansgate.
meeesh said:
bobmcfc said:
meeesh said:
Zab is going back to Argentina to see his sick father today,he was on the bus last night,Mario (as already posted) wasnt on the FA Cup parade neither....fuck off Mario is my thoughts on this

And I couldnt give a fuck if he flew back to Italy with his medal round his neck the whole flight,he should have been on that bus last night,and anyone who disagrees is kidding themselves

Disappointing post. He did as he was told and i'm sure Mancini was in full agreement with it. It a time where Mario needs to start learning respect and discipline, its good that he has acted responsibly. you should be happy that Mario has a chance to represent our club and fans in such a great competition

Yea OK,granted he put in that pass which "won us the league",but him being out of the squad really contributed in us winning the league dont you think

I think you will find there would be a 50/50 split on those sentiments

I have said it before and will say it again,no tears shed from me if he is gone in the summer........but oh no wait,I aint a City fan for saying that....tut tut tut

Fair enough, you don't want him here. Mario has to start somewhere and i applaud him if he is finally trying to pull his life together. I saw how he celebrated on sunday and that was enough for me, he had a mini party on the pitch and now he has to put in a shift for his country. he wont get a break, he wont be able to get pissed, not go to bed and wear shades for the next 24 hours, im quite happy he hasnt done any of that tbh
seen reports that he didnt really go out to the main party with the team. but went out to san carlo for a meal, also says he looked well pissed off and not really in the party mood. I could hazard a guess that he was informed that evening that he was required to italy training camp asap and he was aware that he was going to miss the parade. could be a ploy from both mancini and prandelli to not give him any room to fuck up whilst celebrating or out partying. tough for a young lad to take but he will be better for it. on a side note thought he had real impact on sunday and the assist for aguero was intended and excellent. we won the league for fucksake!!! he more than demonstrated his passion for city at the game. it is obvious to anyone that he loves it here and he wont be going anywhere.
meeesh said:
didactic said:

Or maybe change it to ICannotQouteCorrectlyAsIAmBlindedByMySeethingHateForMario. That sounds much better.

You are right though better to have not won the title and show Mario how his lack of respect for the club by going to national duty which he summoned for would be punished. I like how you think my man. Ever considered politics?

you are soooooooooooo clever

The title is being sent back as we speak as Marios assist and Yayas Newcastle goals have been scratched off due to a lack ofrespect for the fans. Sheik Monsour also would like to apologise to you personally for his absence.
bluebrickroad said:
Can someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I watched 90% of the coverage on the official site but never noticed NDJ amongst the players.

I'm sure I must have missed him as I cannot imagine him not being there.

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