Does death scare you?

Oh yes, the stories are flooding in. She told one of her former neighbours that if their tortoise didn’t stop eating her plants that she’d drown it.

It’s okay though. The tortoise is currently about 120 years old.

She was a proper Nora Batty type.
My sister was a massive fan of Twilight. Once told me, quite seriously, that she wanted a vampire for Christmas. Lol

It's these anecdotes that live on in the memory and keep them close x
he has refused going hospice and felt the nurses were to rough with him so they was cancelled - so leaving it to my step mum who's not qualified for all this, not great.
he is high on medication which helps but every time he tries to sit up or move he is in agony.
he has thrush and can't swallow hardly anything, also has lost his vision. final days and hopefully will be out of all this as it's taking its toll for sure on us and step mum.
A friend of ours had the macmillan nurses for his mother she went in the hospice for a few days to have the pain sorted returned home for her final days
I don’t know if you tried them but they were excellent for the family it must be hard on you all
Not worried one bit it’s the loved ones that are left behind that suffer, we all have to go at some point adios my blue friends
No. Make sure I have had a decent life before I do. Whether it is now or in 30 years time.
Euthanasia should be allowed for our loved ones to go peacefully and with dignity. we don’t let our pets suffer so why should we let our families and loved ones suffer for months.
We have a state which allows it here in Oz.
If I get very ill I'll be going there to be put to sleep.

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