Donald Trump

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There is no going back to the old days. Honor is a long forgotten concept and good men, trying to do the right thing are obstructed at every turn by a spineless senate and congress, terrified of a corrupt media and their funding masters.

Up is down, black is white, the fascists are "anti fascists" and Russia are the warmongering aggressors who can't be trusted.

How pathetic to call Trump an utter fucking fraud of a President. I suppose you prefer Nobel Peace prize winner Obama who involved America in more wars than any President in history? Or criminal Hillary who amongst her many misdemeanours destroyed evidence that she was legally obliged to give to the FBI. Fit to be President, I don't think so.

It's time you and the other followers of CNN and its ilk woke up to what is really going on before we end up in a nuclear war with Russia. Trust me, Vin Diesel won't save the day.

One last time. I read your post and if you read mine you'll see that I objected to your assertion that the President is "a fucking fraud". I also explained why the people you suggested would never be in power.

Rather than throwing insults let me ask you a question. Why do you have such a low opinion of President Trump?

Uh, no, you "suppose" I'd prefer other candidates. Despite the very specific candidates I said I preferred.

"You and the other followers of CNN" -- FFS. Like most people who try to think things through I get my perspective on the world from a variety of sources. In this case, as I have written before, including people that have worked with and personally know our President -- mostly detractors based on their experiences, but including a few supporters.

My perspective on him based on my studies and conversations have been reiterated over and over again on this thread. If you care enough, go find them.

Simply put, trust is the bedrock upon which all human interaction is built, and he has betrayed that trust as a businessperson with his partners, banks, customers, vendors, employees, the government, and third parties not involved but impacted by his businesses over and over and over again for 25+ years. He is singularly unqualified to be President based on this behavior pattern alone. His politics, lack of experience and personal peccadillos are irrelevant. It all starts with trust.
Uh, no, you "suppose" I'd prefer other candidates. Despite the very specific candidates I said I preferred.

"You and the other followers of CNN" -- FFS. Like most people who try to think things through I get my perspective on the world from a variety of sources. In this case, as I have written before, including people that have worked with and personally know our President -- mostly detractors based on their experiences, but including a few supporters.

My perspective on him based on my studies and conversations have been reiterated over and over again on this thread. If you care enough, go find them.

Simply put, trust is the bedrock upon which all human interaction is built, and he has betrayed that trust as a businessperson with his partners, banks, customers, vendors, employees, the government, and third parties not involved but impacted by his businesses over and over and over again for 25+ years. He is singularly unqualified to be President based on this behavior pattern alone. His politics, lack of experience and personal peccadillos are irrelevant. It all starts with trust.

If you care to read my responses you will see that I addressed your "trust" issue in my very first paragraph. To enter the race, the funding requirements in most cases demand you sell your soul. How many senators or congress men make it without first signing 'the pledge' for instance?

Trump is slightly different in that to a large part his financial power freed him from the usual process. As such he isn't a system man in the same sense that the rest are, compromised from the outset. Sighting tittle tattle from third party gossip and sour grapes from people who may have fought and lost against him during his lengthy career is incredibly naive, and shows a spectacular lack of appreciation of the realities of business life at the very top levels.

A man brave enough to cancel TTP, withdraw from the climate change con and attempt to improve relations with the worlds only other nuclear superpower should be applauded and not insulted.
If you care to read my responses you will see that I addressed your "trust" issue in my very first paragraph. To enter the race, the funding requirements in most cases demand you sell your soul. How many senators or congress men make it without first signing 'the pledge' for instance?

Trump is slightly different in that to a large part his financial power freed him from the usual process. As such he isn't a system man in the same sense that the rest are, compromised from the outset. Sighting tittle tattle from third party gossip and sour grapes from people who may have fought and lost against him during his lengthy career is incredibly naive, and shows a spectacular lack of appreciation of the realities of business life at the very top levels.

A man brave enough to cancel TTP, withdraw from the climate change con and attempt to improve relations with the worlds only other nuclear superpower should be applauded and not insulted.

My friend, you have no idea at ALL what or who I know. Nor I you. The last part of your sentence, if shown to anyone who knows me, would make him/her burst out laughing. Never assume.

I really don't want to go down this road. You asked my view; I gave it to you based on MY personal experience. Either accept it, or don't. You asked everyone to judge him by his actions. I have done. You, apparently, are disinterested in his history up until his election. That's fine, but to assume the spot-changing leopard and then call others naive is rather, well, naive.

And it's easy to be "brave" when you don't give a shit about the impact of your actions on others, especially the negative consequences. Exactly the behavior pattern he has demonstrated consistently from time immemorial.

It's pretty easy to excuse away any behavior when someone takes the nihilistic view that the world is corrupt and topsy-turvy anyway, so la de da. Not sure whether I should be chilled by such an amoral perspective or feel bad about such helplessness and hopelessness. But there you go -- fear and vengeance were the primary drivers of electoral turnout. Not that there wasn't/isn't plenty to be angry and fearful about. Do you think anger and fear has declined in America -- or the world -- since he became President?
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I'm not up for getting into it today, but lookie here, it's Trump's very own General H.R. McMaster on Russia and disinformation

President Donald Trump's national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, addressed heightening tensions between the US and Russia, as well as Trump's understanding of the threat Russia poses, during an interview with MSNBC's Hugh Hewitt that aired on Sunday.

When Hewitt asked McMaster whether Trump has a "clear-eyed understanding of the nature of his counterpart in Russia and the nature of the regime," McMaster replied that "the nature of the Russian regime is one person," Russian president Vladimir Putin.

McMaster did not specifically address Hewitt's question as it related to Trump, but went on to note that Russia's actions in recent years, like its aggression toward neighboring Ukraine and its 2014 annexation of Crimea, have drawn censure from the international community, which responded by imposing tough economic sanctions on Russia.

"Russia must play a much more responsible role in the world if it's going to be a full-fledged member of the international community," McMaster told Hewitt.

He did not broach the subject of Russia's latest transgression, a wide-ranging and multifaceted attack on the 2016 American election that was undertaken to tilt the race in Trump's favor, until Hewitt brought it up.

McMaster characterized it as a "sophisticated campaign of subversion and disinformation and propaganda that is going every day in an effort to break apart Europe and that pit political groups against each other ... to sow dissension and conspiracy theories." He did not elaborate on specific actions Russia took with respect to its interference in the US election, but criticized Russia's role in escalating the Syrian civil war and its support for Iran's objectives in the Middle East.
Never one to pass up an opportunity to prove that he is the world's biggest hypocrite, the great orange draft dodger has been lambasting a Democrat senator about his military service.
Never one to pass up an opportunity to prove that he is the world's biggest hypocrite, the great orange draft dodger has been lambasting a Democrat senator about his military service.
Bwah. He can't leave it alone. He's trying to impress his generals, no doubt. Put the Galaxy S down Donald, and do some work.

There was a meme=y thing going round, two pics, one of him, his family, and all his inlaws, and one of HR Liz 2 (gawd bless er) in front of a british army jeep - The caption informing us that she had spent more time in the military than all 15 (or whatever) of Trump's lot put together.
My friend, you have no idea at ALL what or who I know. Nor I you. The last part of your sentence, if shown to anyone who knows me, would make him/her burst out laughing. Never assume.

I really don't want to go down this road. You asked my view; I gave it to you based on MY personal experience. Either accept it, or don't. You asked everyone to judge him by his actions. I have done. You, apparently, are disinterested in his history up until his election. That's fine, but to assume the spot-changing leopard and then call others naive is rather, well, naive.

And it's easy to be "brave" when you don't give a shit about the impact of your actions on others, especially the negative consequences. Exactly the behavior pattern he has demonstrated consistently from time immemorial.

It's pretty easy to excuse away any behavior when someone takes the nihilistic view that the world is corrupt and topsy-turvy anyway, so la de da. Not sure whether I should be chilled by such an amoral perspective or feel bad about such helplessness and hopelessness. But there you go -- fear and vengeance were the primary drivers of electoral turnout. Not that there wasn't/isn't plenty to be angry and fearful about. Do you think anger and fear has declined in America -- or the world -- since he became President?

I said in my very first paragraph that honour is a quality no longer present in politics and sadly it hasn't been for a very long time. Recognising that, is to look at the choices we have with eyes wide open, and understand that this will continue until the way politicians are funded is completely overhauled, if that's even possible?

As it stands politicians are selected on day one by how compliant they will be to the demands of the organisations and corporations that sponsor them.
An honourable man, a good man, wouldn't pass the first test. Trump has bypassed this selection and subversions process due to his huge personal wealth. He appears at this stage to be an outsider, the establishment is certainly treating him as one, indeed an imposter. Trump may ultimately fool me and he may be the greatest snake oil salesman since Barak Obama and Tony Blair, but his actions to date don't support this fear of betrayal. Because of the above, Trump due to a unique set of circumstances may be our only hope of avoiding war with Russia and China, stopping the completely unjustified American hegemony espoused by the NeoCons and their masters and destroying the plans of the globalists. I believe those three things are the biggest threats to life and freedom facing us today.

If I shared a view that life was without meaning I wouldn't be having this conversation with you. As a father of three children I really want to believe that the world is run by the good guys and what you see is what you get. The reality shown to us daily is that that unfortunately is not the case. In answer to your question I would expect that fear and anger have increased in America since Trump took office. But let me ask you why you think that is? What happened to the country getting behind the new President regardless of who won?
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