Donald Trump

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I said in my very first paragraph that honour is a quality no longer present in politics and sadly it hasn't been for a very long time. Recognising that, is to look at the choices we have with eyes wide open, and understand that this will continue until the way politicians are funded is completely overhauled, if that's even possible?

As it stands politicians are selected on day one by how compliant they will be to the demands of the organisations and corporations that sponsor them.
An honourable man, a good man, wouldn't pass the first test. Trump has bypassed this selection and subversions process due to his huge personal wealth. He appears at this stage to be an outsider, the establishment is certainly treating him as one, indeed an imposter. Trump may ultimately fool me and he may be the greatest snake oil salesman since Barak Obama and Tony Blair, but his actions to date don't support this fear of betrayal. Because of the above, Trump due to a unique set of circumstances may be our only hope of avoiding war with Russia and China, stopping the completely unjustified American hegemony espoused by the NeoCons and their masters and destroying the plans of the globalists. I believe those three things are the biggest threats to life and freedom facing us today.

If I shared a view that life was without meaning I wouldn't be having this conversation with you. As a father of three children I really want to believe that the world is run by the good guys and what you see is what you get. The reality shown to us daily is that that unfortunately is not the case. In answer to your question I would expect that fear and anger have increased in America since Trump took office. But let me ask you why you think that is? What happened to the country getting behind the new President regardless of who won?

My local State Assemblyman is a good friend and a great guy, despite the fact that we disagree -- a lot -- about politics. He has two small kids and his wife works full time. He's away from his family and in Sacramento half the year. He's honest and forthright, and certainly not in it for power or money. He's in it because he thinks the disenfranchised are under-represented. I have no idea what his ambitions are (his wife says that the "rule" is when people ask if he's interested in climbing to higher State or Federal office, you're always supposed to say "yes.") But he gives me hope.

To answer your last question, Trump's entire strategy is to polarize and divide. It's his calling card. Even those that voted for him are, increasingly, begging for him to behave if not become "Presidential." Those that hate him aren't going to change, unlesss some unifying exogenous event causes/forces the nation to get behind him -- crises not of our making often do. I am hopeful that our next candidate set will be unifiers that appeal across political divides.

I fear that my choice will be between Trump and Elizabeth Warren though. More division and polarization.
My local State Assemblyman is a good friend and a great guy, despite the fact that we disagree -- a lot -- about politics. He has two small kids and his wife works full time. He's away from his family and in Sacramento half the year. He's honest and forthright, and certainly not in it for power or money. He's in it because he thinks the disenfranchised are under-represented. I have no idea what his ambitions are (his wife says that the "rule" is when people ask if he's interested in climbing to higher State or Federal office, you're always supposed to say "yes.") But he gives me hope.

To answer your last question, Trump's entire strategy is to polarize and divide. It's his calling card. Even those that voted for him are, increasingly, begging for him to behave if not become "Presidential." Those that hate him aren't going to change, unlesss some unifying exogenous event causes/forces the nation to get behind him -- crises not of our making often do. I am hopeful that our next candidate set will be unifiers that appeal across political divides.

I fear that my choice will be between Trump and Elizabeth Warren though. More division and polarization.
I know what you mean. Until the democrats stop running smart, qualified people we'll never get over our divide. The only way to fix things would be to have somebody like the guy who played Kumar run.

It's just too bad having the republicans run somebody who is at least semi-competent and not a racist isn't an option.
I know what you mean. Until the democrats stop running smart, qualified people we'll never get over our divide. The only way to fix things would be to have somebody like the guy who played Kumar run.

It's just too bad having the republicans run somebody who is at least semi-competent and not a racist isn't an option.

I don't believe Trump is a racist. I believe he exploits the racism of others for his own ends . . . which is quite possibly worse.
Contrary to all the medias negative opinion of him he is the President, not all you hear is the truth he's quite a popular chap.
I'll just place this here

The company Cambridge Analytica will start to come out in all of this..this is the company that targeted the misinformation campaign across Social Media in the USA. They are also the link between Nigel Farage and Trump (which is why Farage went to see Trump shortly after being elected) and they worked for UKIP in the run up to the Brexit referendum .
I'll just place this here

The company Cambridge Analytica will start to come out in all of this..this is the company that targeted the misinformation campaign across Social Media in the USA. They are also the link between Nigel Farage and Trump (which is why Farage went to see Trump shortly after being elected) and they worked for UKIP in the run up to the Brexit referendum .

Let me guess, it's not the BBC CNN or Buzzfeed is it :)
Nope.....Michael Flynn has been tied to a contract with Cambridge Analytica and the Owners of Cambridge Analytica are the Mercers who are Trump supporters

The Canary is stormfront for left wingers mate it's that far left it puts Corbyn to shame. What the far left don't quite grasp is that Brexit was democratic and so was the Trump victory, and that was in spite of huge campaigns from MSM on both sides of the Atlantic to convince people that Brexit and Trump are the devil. The echo chambers that people live in aren't as important as they thought they were.
The Canary is stormfront for left wingers mate it's that far left it puts Corbyn to shame. What the far left don't quite grasp is that Brexit was democratic and so was the Trump victory, and that was in spite of huge campaigns from MSM on both sides of the Atlantic to convince people that Brexit and Trump are the devil. The echo chambers that people live in aren't as important as they thought they were.

Is that right wing enough for you?
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