General Wrestling Thread

I understand that this wwf/wwe lark requires highly trained people to enact the moves they pull of and there is a massive potential for serious injury.

However in this thread people seem to be citing people's records and who's best. Do you believe that the results of these bouts are not predetermined and also not rehearsed then?

Wrestling isn't a real fight? Fuck me what a revelation that is.

(As it goes there is one guy who went into meticulous detail, macho man would write every move down to make sure the show was perfect. Most wrestlers call it in the ring and don't "rehearse". There is loads of stuff on YouTube highlighting that. )
It's a minor gripe but lilian garcia doing introductions has done my head in for years. She just doesn't say things right. Championship becomes "championshiaah" for example. Christy hemme is miles better. Even jb with his repeated "main event of the evening aaa" is better. Bring back Michael buffer if he's still alive. Or scheme mean gene and the fink.


Though Owens is fast pushing that list, and if Cena wrestled every match like he does against Owens, and cut out the OTT promos, he'd actually not be far away. I appreciate him a lot more than I did a few years ago.

Wrestling standpoint

Bret Hart, Ted Dibiase, Curt Hennig, Shawn Micheals, Kurt Angle

Character wise

Warrior, Mankind, Taker, Mountie and Big boss man
so what do we think to the "Taker coming back tomorrow night and screwing Brock out of the title" rumour?
Good thing to do, bad timing seeing as Brock is so over as a face. If this was the angle they were going for, they should have waited for the title to change hands (to Reigns maybe), have Brock challenge the face, then have 'taker cost heel Brock the title. It seems very likely this is going to happen though as Heyman/Authority have been making quite a few 'taker references lately.
Not sure I need to put it in a spoiler because it's not happened yet! But if undertaker comes back I hope it's not to screw lesnar. Set up a match for summerslam yeah but not in that way. Deserves better build. If he was after revenge from mania 30 he could have done that in the main event of mania 31 but rollins cashed in and he beat wyatt in a nothing feud with Bray wyatt.

Wwelogic wouldn't surprise me though.

Edit; rumours about sting at summerslam

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