I always think these types of diets are unsustainable and consequently a waste of time. I have been overweight and it was due solely to me being a greedy ****. I think for long term health and being able to walk a slight incline without dying in a heap, you need to eat a balance and stop thinking a month or two will get you sorted. It won’t.

I walk a lot now, don’t eat meat, not because of health, just I don’t like the idea of killing them, have cut down on trying to drink as if I am 25, and I feel great. No magic wand, no miracle diet, no detox utter fucking garbage, just an honest acceptance that it is my fault I got fat and unfit and no quick fix will work, and the same me can fix it. So far so good.
Maybe slightly off topic as not low carb/keto but of a similar vein. I wasn’t convinced by this one diet fits all logic as we all have different metabolisms (particularly if you have thyroid issues or other immune system issues) and figured how I burn carbs or fat is different to you so got a lumen device. Not cheap and not for everyone but I find it’s very smart, you blow in to it before and after meals / workouts and it gives you a score between 1 and 5. 1 is your body is burning all fat, 3 it’s burning fat and carbs evenly and 5 it’s burning all carbs. It encourages you to be burning carbs before a workout and gives you an extra carb portion (1 slice of small loaf wholewheat bread is effectively a carb portion). The logic being if you are trying to lose weight you want to wake up in fat burn mode because your body as used all its fuels from the previous day and now burning fat stores. You tell the app if you want to lose weight, gain weight or maintain.

Each day the app works out different macros for carbs, fats and protein and if you wake up in fat burn 4 days on the spin it gives you carb boost days. It can be a bit mind altering at first as you plan your days meals once you get your first score but it’s easy enough to get in to the rhythm. It also works out how adaptive your body is in flipping between burning carbs and fats.
I always think these types of diets are unsustainable and consequently a waste of time. I have been overweight and it was due solely to me being a greedy ****. I think for long term health and being able to walk a slight incline without dying in a heap, you need to eat a balance and stop thinking a month or two will get you sorted. It won’t.

I walk a lot now, don’t eat meat, not because of health, just I don’t like the idea of killing them, have cut down on trying to drink as if I am 25, and I feel great. No magic wand, no miracle diet, no detox utter fucking garbage, just an honest acceptance that it is my fault I got fat and unfit and no quick fix will work, and the same me can fix it. So far so good.
Keto is excellent if like me there is a massive family genes for diabetes , i have lost near four and half stone in 8/ 9 months , dangerous middle body far gone .truth is i found it really easy aside from first week and could happily stay on it as it really suits me but i dont wnt to keep losing weight , the transition back to a good carb , no junk diet is the difficult bit

Also my only excersise is some walking due to my legs being crap , glad you do well on your diet but wouldnt have suited me , we are all different
Maybe slightly off topic as not low carb/keto but of a similar vein. I wasn’t convinced by this one diet fits all logic as we all have different metabolisms (particularly if you have thyroid issues or other immune system issues) and figured how I burn carbs or fat is different to you so got a lumen device. Not cheap and not for everyone but I find it’s very smart, you blow in to it before and after meals / workouts and it gives you a score between 1 and 5. 1 is your body is burning all fat, 3 it’s burning fat and carbs evenly and 5 it’s burning all carbs. It encourages you to be burning carbs before a workout and gives you an extra carb portion (1 slice of small loaf wholewheat bread is effectively a carb portion). The logic being if you are trying to lose weight you want to wake up in fat burn mode because your body as used all its fuels from the previous day and now burning fat stores. You tell the app if you want to lose weight, gain weight or maintain.

Each day the app works out different macros for carbs, fats and protein and if you wake up in fat burn 4 days on the spin it gives you carb boost days. It can be a bit mind altering at first as you plan your days meals once you get your first score but it’s easy enough to get in to the rhythm. It also works out how adaptive your body is in flipping between burning carbs and fats.
Never heard of that , sounds interesting, how is it working for you ?
Keto is excellent if like me there is a massive family genes for diabetes , i have lost near four and half stone in 8/ 9 months , dangerous middle body far gone .truth is i found it really easy aside from first week and could happily stay on it as it really suits me but i dont wnt to keep losing weight , the transition back to a good carb , no junk diet is the difficult bit

Also my only excersise is some walking due to my legs being crap , glad you do well on your diet but wouldnt have suited me , we are all different
Apart from insanity, our genes are healthy so I get what you’re saying. Glad to hear you’ve lost that weight.
Never heard of that , sounds interesting, how is it working for you ?

Very well for the most part. Biggest shock was finding out how much fruit spiked the carbs. Always thought fruit was your friend. Great way of getting “healthy” carbs in to you on a high carb day though. Tend to have a small banana before workout for the extra carb and can go from a 3 to a 5 pretty instantly. Back from workout at a 3, ideally want to be a 3 when going to sleep and wake up a 2 or 1…at a push go to sleep as a 2 but you can stress the body. When you stress the body by not eating right / enough you can wake up a 4 or 5… so typically people who want to lose weight think I’ll just eat a lettuce leaf today but actually this machine helps you make good food choices.
Oh and BTW @kaz7 one thing I learnt very recently was in the UK our carbs are already net carbs on nutritional values! I was taking the fibre off again. Only the polyols (if listed) needs to be subtracted from the carbs on a British food nutrition label.
Yeah that makes things confused unless you are immersed in keto and understand it , some fruit is ok, on keto you only eat berries but not blueberries and defo no bananas , i am liking adding a banana a day and melon and blueberries now i am expanding my diet again but only with plain yog and not on their own

Sounds like your system works well for you , keep me posted on progress
Maybe slightly off topic as not low carb/keto but of a similar vein. I wasn’t convinced by this one diet fits all logic as we all have different metabolisms (particularly if you have thyroid issues or other immune system issues) and figured how I burn carbs or fat is different to you so got a lumen device. Not cheap and not for everyone but I find it’s very smart, you blow in to it before and after meals / workouts and it gives you a score between 1 and 5. 1 is your body is burning all fat, 3 it’s burning fat and carbs evenly and 5 it’s burning all carbs. It encourages you to be burning carbs before a workout and gives you an extra carb portion (1 slice of small loaf wholewheat bread is effectively a carb portion). The logic being if you are trying to lose weight you want to wake up in fat burn mode because your body as used all its fuels from the previous day and now burning fat stores. You tell the app if you want to lose weight, gain weight or maintain.

Each day the app works out different macros for carbs, fats and protein and if you wake up in fat burn 4 days on the spin it gives you carb boost days. It can be a bit mind altering at first as you plan your days meals once you get your first score but it’s easy enough to get in to the rhythm. It also works out how adaptive your body is in flipping between burning carbs and fats.
sounds confusing.
Why not just make sure you are in a calorie deficit each day?
Is anyone on BM currently on the Ketogenic diet?

And if so, what have your results been thus far?

After learning that it could potentially be of benefit to those with ADHD and autism, I decided to start the diet on Monday. It’s only day four but I am amazed at how difficult it is to restrict net carbohydrates to under 30 grams each day. I can only seemingly eat nuts, seeds, oils, meat, fish, eggs, cheese and a certain few vegetables.

I don’t know if it’s an indication that I have ‘Keto Flu’ but so far I have been quite tired and lightheaded throughout large periods of the day.
“The Obesity Code,” by Dr Jason Fung.

Read it, live it, and it’ll change your life.

I fast regularly for 3 day stretches. Day 2 can be hard, but Day 3 is no problem.

OMAD (intermittent fasting by eating One Meal A Day) is also quite easy, once you break your sugar/insulin habit! It is THAT that creates the “fog” and bad feelings on Day 2, as your body goes to get the sugar from you fatty liver and belly fat stores. Once that switch has been flipped, it’s much easier!

Your food “cravings” are a sign of your hidden sugar addiction, which is why the low carb numbers are so hard to maintain. However, if you try to “fix” this by eating lots of low carb meals/snacks during the day, you’re actually HARMING your insulin cycle, not helping it!

IF comes in many forms, but I’ve found a well balanced, but low sugar, OMAD is best for me. Some people prefer the 18-6 or 20-4, so they can get 2 meals in. That’s personal choice.

The results, as long as you eat correctly when you do eat, are not only remarkable in terms of weight and energy levels, but your overall healthy increases dramatically.

We are a bag of chemicals (hormones) that are constantly reacting to what we put in it and when we put it in. Those hormones regulate our bodies to keep us alive the best they can with what they have to work with.

If you can give it what it needs, only as often as it needs it, your body will not only find its new equilibrium, but will thank you for the added health benefits.

Of course, it’s personal to everyone, so the use of “your” should not be taken as me telling “you” what to do.

Good luck to us all!

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