Life changing decisions.

I will not last.

She will convert to blue in 12 months:-)
She asked me to take her to Trafford to watch that shower if shite, I told her I'd sooner drag myself through the privets naked, obviously walked,she just couldn't get her head around it, we got around it by her not asking me again
I read a book once about interviews with people on their deathbed. They were asked what they wish they would have done differently. 99% said the same things - I wish I'd have spent less time at work; i wish I'd spent more time with my family; I wish I had seen more of the world; I wish I'd have taken more chances instead of playing it safe.

My belief is most people are dead by the time they're 30. They just don't stop breathing for another 40 years.

Too many people get locked into the cycle of pay the mortgage in a job we don't like, pay for a family holiday every year. Mow the lawn and wash the car every Sunday morning. Before you know it your life's over.

Choose life. Choose listening to music or doing something you enjoy instead of the mind numbing tedium of television. Choose trusting your gut instinct instead of playing safe all the time. Choose refusing to do a job that sucks the fucking life out of you "because it pays the mortgage". Follow your dreams. We're only here once

Have to agree with all this.

You do know he is living on the streets and carries his drinks in a brown bag

Responsibility makes us conform or do the things he hates. It too easy to say jack it all in. You go on these trips etc and people are still working to make sure you have a good time. It's just your turn to be on the other side.
Until you lose your job and can't afford anything you could of done anyway

That's the thing, id love to quit my job and follow my dreams but the fact is id have no money after 1 or 2 months and id be fucked. Such is the beauty of life.

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