Mr Bates vs the Post Office

She seemed to be very nervous and fearful at the beginning, but almost bored by the end! And what was it she actually "did" for her generous salary as, apparently, she knew nothing and was not responsible for anything.
Listening to her answers was like listening to a worker in the staff canteen.
She seemed to be very nervous and fearful at the beginning, but almost bored by the end! And what was it she actually "did" for her generous salary as, apparently, she knew nothing and was not responsible for anything.
Listening to her answers was like listening to a worker in the staff canteen.
When the sub postmasters solicitors are let loose on her tomorrow, it'll be savage

Mr Beer is searching for information whereas the subbys legal teams treat it like a prosecution
Genuine question - I could probably google but I’m being lazy!
What is the actual point of this enquiry? Is it to apportion blame with a view to potential criminal charges?
Presumably the whole process is being funded by us tax payers?
"To discover who knew what when".
It's a government judicial enquiry so funded by the Government yes.
Are you not aware of any previous public enquiry's?
This where I have a problem with Wyn the Williams. From the get go, not one of them should have been allowed to respond with that comment.
It leaves me concerned that this is just window dressing.
How do you suggest he gets them to respond with something else? How does he prove they do actually remember? Do you think the Police, CPS, Criminal courts would be able to get them to respond differently? Finally, despite what they say (or don't) do you not think Sir Wynn will be able to draw conclusions from the documents presented?
How do you suggest he gets them to respond with something else? How does he prove they do actually remember? Do you think the Police, CPS, Criminal courts would be able to get them to respond differently? Finally, despite what they say (or don't) do you not think Sir Wynn will be able to draw conclusions from the documents presented?

You can't remember the day, or the event?
POL arsehole" Erm no"
Pints"which one"
POL arsehole" Erm both?"
Pints,"I'm asking you"
POL arsehole "both".
Pints, "when did you wake up on that day?"
You could reduce the fucker to a crying jibering wreck.
You would probably only have to do that to three, or four and the rest would get the message. Remember these fuckers used those tactics on hundreds of innocent people.
You can't remember the day, or the event?
POL arsehole" Erm no"
Pints"which one"
POL arsehole" Erm both?"
Pints,"I'm asking you"
POL arsehole "both".
Pints, "when did you wake up on that day?"
You could reduce the fucker to a crying jibering wreck.
You would probably only have to do that to three, or four and the rest would get the message. Remember these fuckers used those tactics on hundreds of innocent people.
Believe me it wouldn't work, these people have been very well briefed by legal advisors that are in attendance with them.
A "can't remember" defence, whilst not uncommon is rarely successful.
I think it's quite bad news that ITV lost £1m on making the show as it doesn't have much draw in many countries.

That scale loss means less programmes of its type.

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