my gripe ''the police''


Well-Known Member
21 Nov 2004
i'm not really here
title says it really ,two years ago i stepped in to help a wpc from getting the shit beat out of her, last year i helped a male copper arrest a male he was strugling with and today got stopped for doing 31 mph ''yes 31'',i was driving my taxi and the arogant manner of how i was spoken to means i have lost all respect for the fuckers, the coppper tried to book me for no seat belt but twas thet thick didnt know taxi drivers are exempt, well after that the next time they want my help they can fuk right off,for any blue moon coppers on here its tossers like this that give you a bad name,load of stasi wankers the lot of them
marco said:
title says it really ,two years ago i stepped in to help a wpc from getting the shit beat out of her, last year i helped a male copper arrest a male he was strugling with and today got stopped for doing 31 mph ''yes 31'',i was driving my taxi and the arogant manner of how i was spoken to means i have lost all respect for the fuckers, the coppper tried to book me for no seat belt but twas thet thick didnt know taxi drivers are exempt, well after that the next time they want my help they can fuk right off,for any blue moon coppers on here its tossers like this that give you a bad name,load of stasi wankers the lot of them

What's your beef, the speed limit is 30, you were doing 31,
all taxi drivers are criminals, psychos or rapists, we know that and so do the cops.
you've hit the nail on the head. There was an armed robbery in eccles on a shop and the cop grabbed him in an alleyway. I saw it develop and the cop was on for a hiding even though he'd chucked the knife! I stepped in and beat him to a pulp (the robber) and wanted to get off when his re inforcements arrived. They Mythered me for a statement for weeks. I refused and they got heavy saying I could be nicked for GBH. It was a joke! I did give a statement

another time I witnessed a handbag robbery in town, i chased the lad,grabbed him, had a battle, cops arrived and nicked him. the old lady didn't want to complain so I almost got nicked , etc, etc,

Recently my MRS got nicked for drunk and disorderly...I was there ! she was a bit gobby thats all. they could have fucked her off in a taxi!

I will never ever support those bullies ever again! Decent people who would help them knowing right from wrong are being shit on by bullies!

Oh and a couple of weeks ago I was stopped in my van on Washway rd whilst on the phone, was name checked and the cop didn't believe that I was from Salford and hadn't been in trouble with the police. I had to show him proof of who i was ! Any way he let me off after his larging it so he wasn't too bad> nice lad

Cops should be streetwise enough to be able to seaperate the wheat from the chaff!
salfordpaul said:
you've hit the nail on the head. There was an armed robbery in eccles on a shop and the cop grabbed him in an alleyway. I saw it develop and the cop was on for a hiding even though he'd chucked the knife! I stepped in and beat him to a pulp (the robber) and wanted to get off when his re inforcements arrived. They Mythered me for a statement for weeks. I refused and they got heavy saying I could be nicked for GBH. It was a joke! I did give a statement

another time I witnessed a handbag robbery in town, i chased the lad,grabbed him, had a battle, cops arrived and nicked him. the old lady didn't want to complain so I almost got nicked , etc, etc,

Recently my MRS got nicked for drunk and disorderly...I was there ! she was a bit gobby thats all. they could have fucked her off in a taxi!

I will never ever support those bullies ever again! Decent people who would help them knowing right from wrong are being shit on by bullies!

Oh and a couple of weeks ago I was stopped in my van on Washway rd whilst on the phone, was name checked and the cop didn't believe that I was from Salford and hadn't been in trouble with the police. I had to show him proof of who i was ! Any way he let me off after his larging it so he wasn't too bad> nice lad

Cops should be streetwise enough to be able to seaperate the wheat from the chaff!

Sssssshhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! You're dispelling all the myths and giving us Salford lads a good name ;)
Got stopped in Stockport yesterday for not wearing a seat belt,the copper let me off ! she even let me go without watching the video they show to prove their point ! Clampdown on seat belts at the moment so be warned.
marco said:
title says it really ,two years ago i stepped in to help a wpc from getting the shit beat out of her, last year i helped a male copper arrest a male he was strugling with and today got stopped for doing 31 mph ''yes 31'',i was driving my taxi and the arogant manner of how i was spoken to means i have lost all respect for the fuckers, the coppper tried to book me for no seat belt but twas thet thick didnt know taxi drivers are exempt, well after that the next time they want my help they can fuk right off,for any blue moon coppers on here its tossers like this that give you a bad name,load of stasi wankers the lot of them

What did your passenger say?
Yeah lets get rid of the police and let our civilised society live in harmonic peace... hmmm

Firstly, im a not a cop but I know a good lad who is and ive never had any problem with any (theres been a few in my 30 years) ive encountered. Come on, have we not got enough life experience to realise..... there are good AND bad people in all jobs and all walks of life.

As for the OP being stopped for doing 31 MPH, that does seem alittle extreme but sounds like he didnt book you so maybe he just wanted to check ya out (no probs with that me).

Also take it youve got a hackney cab cos private taxis need to have passenger before they are exempt.
Yea had mostly poor experiences with the police in my short time on this planet, but quite funnily i've travelled around the world to many different countries and NEVER had any issues with foreign police, always GMP

Recently there has been a big inccrease in dog pooh on our street, since the ice-age began.
Now there is a couple near us who have shown that they have issue with our dog (he's a staffordshire bull terrier)
the usual pulling their faces but nothing to whine about, on one occasion putting the V's up at me, my response was to just laugh and walk back to my house.

The sad people have issues, and reported us to the police for not having the dog on the lead (which isn't an offense) and for dog excrement on the street.

Now for you to understand: on a street which has around 15 houses there are six dogs on this street alone, thats excluding the many dogs that get walked on our street from owners who live locally.

The police came directly to our house, not anyone else, and asked to speak with me about dog excrement on the street.
Fine i said and they came in, but after i shown them the many poop-scoops in the house and informed them we pick up our dogs pooh they switched the subject and asked if our dog was left off a lead... I replied Yes as well he is off a lead when i nip to the car or something.

the copper informs me to keep him on a lead, this can cause accidents and so on. the street is very narrow and traffic doesn't move on the street, its like a cul-de-sac.

About 10 seconds after they leave my house the couple who complain "coincidently" drive past my house and park up, guess where the cops where parked? outside their house.... i smelt something here (and it wasn't pooh) so i walked down the street and knocked on their door, the police got out their car all aggressive and holding the batons, over reactive or what?

I inform the police i wish to have a private discussion with my neighbour and the police being all confrontive adds toa bad atmosphere.

Anyway to cut a long story short, its a complete waste of police resources, it came out that the female copper was infact a relative of this guys wife.....
verytime we would make a comment it went straight over their heads.

I agreed to put my dog on a lead, like we do anyway, but sometimes he will be off a lead like normal and if they phone the police again i will be informing the police about charging them for wasting police time.

The police officers attitudes stank, completely bias and victimised us, never did they speak to any other dog owners locally (even after we had informed them about certain dog owners not picking up their dog crap)

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