The MEN Pink

Used to be in Warrington by about 6.15pm. I think a van waited off the birchwood junction and when the main delivery driver dropped off, he would then buzz around the shops.
After getting back from the 5-1 derby, my old man sent me off the the corner shop to get a pink final. I was only 11 but knew my football. The lad next door (also 11 but a red) was in the shop. The shopkeeper asked me if I’d been to the match and how it finished. I think he knew but was indulging me. “City beat United 5-1” I excitedly exclaimed.

My next door neighbour replied “Yeah but United scored a hat-trick”.

It’s the most bizarre little things that you remember and carry through life.
I’ve still got that Pink
I would read the pink from back to front as a kid. Great memory.
Remember listening to the radio think it was Piccadilly on away games. When there was a local team goal they said ITS A GOAL or if it was against it was OHHHH NO used to sit there with baited breath all nervous to hear which team. Happy memories.
Pink always reminds me of damp cold evenings after another dismal display hoping the evening news seller near nobles arcade would have the final so I could read it while waiting for the number 76. Always wondered if Ted Knott was a real person and if so what kind of wealth had he accumulated from being letter of the week.
Remember the Pink fondly. They had a photographer take pictures of the crowd before a game and they put a circle round the heads of 5 or 6 people, you won a guinea (!) if you were one of them then had to go to the M.E.N. offices on Cross Street to claim it.

The front page of the Saturday night paper in Portsmouth used to have a drawing of a Royal Navy sailor with his thumb up or down to show whether Pompey had won or lost.
I sold the Pink & Green outside the pubs on Portway Woodhouse Park,then later on in the evening the Empire.Memories,the big count-up at the nights end, Halfpennies pennies,frupnybits,tanners,shillings,florins ,arfcrowns,all helped to get my first NEW bike from Threadgolds in a MOC &SOC.

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