The NHS and its future

Deserving is irrelevant. It’s a subjective and arbitrary standard. Who says who is deserving? What is the criteria? Does it change over time? Do you add additional qualifications? What happens if someone doesn’t meet the standards? What happens if they did initially but no longer do? Are they and others that don’t meet the standard euthanised or cast out into the streets to fend for themselves?

Enlighten us to the practicalities.

This is what I don’t get. Are people suggesting those they consider to be “scroungers” should actually be denied medical treatment?!
People go on about the Tories fucking the NHS over but PFI which the last Labour government brought in has had a much bigger impact on the NHS than any cut
Average of 4% increase, per annum, since it was founded until 2010. Between 2010 and 2018 funding increased by 0.1% per annum with demand going up by over 5%. It’s one of the most cynical bits of government spin there has ever been. 0.1% so they could say they were putting more money in every year. Whilst that is technically true it’s just smoke and mirrors, like PFI to be fair.
I find the demonisation of benefit claimants pretty depressing to be honest. A decent, civilised society has an obligation to care for it's most vulnerable citizens. I'm sure there are people who take the piss, but I think the scale of the problem is exaggerated. The government and sections of the media have created a climate of hostility and suspicion towards those on benefits, often completely unfounded. As a result many in genuine need of help are stigmatised unfairly.

Completely agree. I hate the term benefit system and it should rightly be called the welfare state because it is there to look after the welfare of all our citizens in their time of need.

Proud to pay into a system that looks after those worse off and knowing that should i ever need its help it too will help me.
Completely agree. I hate the term benefit system and it should rightly be called the welfare state because it is there to look after the welfare of all our citizens in their time of need.

Proud to pay into a system that looks after those worse off and knowing that should i ever need its help it too will help me.
I agree,another good post.
Meanwhile back in the real world the nhs is being dismantled by this right wing car crash of a government, queues in A & E are horrific and the little englanders sit with their daily mail and spew out bullshit about benefits and scrotes(see above).
The real shame of this country.

Don’t read the mail and don’t talk bullshit, (not much anyway) when did you last go A&E? I was there 18 months ago and was in and out within 2.5 hours. Now I accept that may not be the norm but When I’ve been in other times I see most problems are due to pisshead or druggies wandering about making the nurse and doctors jobs a nightmare. They’re the scrotes I’m talking about, lazy feckless cunts who are only interested in their next drink or fix, fucking pride in themselves.
Don’t read the mail and don’t talk bullshit, (not much anyway) when did you last go A&E? I was there 18 months ago and was in and out within 2.5 hours. Now I accept that may not be the norm but When I’ve been in other times I see most problems are due to pisshead or druggies wandering about making the nurse and doctors jobs a nightmare. They’re the scrotes I’m talking about, lazy feckless cunts who are only interested in their next drink or fix, fucking pride in themselves.
Yep,a large proportion of my customers for 13 years.Hampering and/or preventing genuine patients receiving the treatment they required.

They have no respect for anyone or anything,horrible and selfish cunts who are only good for breeding more of the same.
@BobKowalski no,unfortunately i don't have the answers,all i know is that as it currently stands,society and the safety nets we,and previous generations,have worked so hard to create,are in danger of becoming extinct because of the abuse and subsequent strain they are being subjected to.

You are tilting at windmills. The problem does not exist to the extent or depth that you think it does. Perception of social problems be it immigration, crime, benefit fraud or whatever are invariably greater than the actual problem itself.

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