The NHS and its future

You are tilting at windmills. The problem does not exist to the extent or depth that you think it does. Perception of social problems be it immigration, crime, benefit fraud or whatever are invariably greater than the actual problem itself.
I would like to believe that Bob,i must just be unlucky with the amount i have encountered.
I would like to believe that Bob,i must just be unlucky with the amount i have encountered.

I've no doubting what you say or the frustration it caused to you and no doubt those still in the profession but whats important to remember here is the percentage of those needing the help of the ambulance service is tiny and the percentage of those who abuse it even smaller still mate.
I've no doubting what you say or the frustration it caused to you and no doubt those still in the profession but whats important to remember here is the percentage of those needing the help of the ambulance service is tiny and the percentage of those who abuse it even smaller still mate.
I can only reply by saying it didn't appear that way on a 12hr shift in the shithole areas of Gtr Manchester.The days you went home feeling good about fellow man and society were few and far between.
Some stats for this argument.

last 5 years has averages about 0.6-0.8% of the benefits budget is claimed fraudulently. and the figures are falling.

Another annoyance for me we are not talking about benefit Fraud, this in relation to the thread is irrelevant. On a side note catching 0.8% doesn’t mean only 0.8% are doing it .
What are they suggesting then?

From memory the thread started out as a discussion on the nhs, along the way the abuse of the system was brought up and from there social problems. This is bluemoon rather than discussing ways we could at least attempt to reduce this certain posters took us down the tried and tested rich man poor man route. I’m pretty sure people with money in their pocket also act irresponsibly. How can we stop peoples behaviour in this regard? I don’t know I was hoping some posters may have an idea or two.

I judge myself for being even slightly surprised it went this way. We want politicians to find solutions without squabbling on ideology. If we can’t do it how can they. The Tories have said they will spend 20 billion(let’s see eh) labour in response have said it’s not enough even though it was more than they pledged. So now labour will offer a little more. Is this figure based on need or just so they can say they care more than the Tories. Point scoring bollocks to gain votes by both.

Maybe a discussion on how it’s run or how to make the money go further. Not a chance In here or the Houses of Parliament.
I've no doubting what you say or the frustration it caused to you and no doubt those still in the profession but whats important to remember here is the percentage of those needing the help of the ambulance service is tiny and the percentage of those who abuse it even smaller still mate.
You never see an ambulance not on blue lights anymore, those lads and lasses are on it 12 hours fucking straight and lots of it is bloody taxi duties, people know how to,play the system, I was told by a paramedic the other day a guy had a headache and needed paracetamol, he phoned 999 and when they said they wouldn’t come he then said chest pains and boom he goes to top of the list. This is where money is wasted, charge the bastard for that ambulance ride and see if he doesn’t go to Asda for a 12p packet of paracetamol next time.
Apologies for being naive but has it become that bad, in terms of appropriation of assets of the elderly, even if they have contributed throughout their life

Yes it has..... despite being immobile from the waist down so unable to walk etc. Suffering from incontinence and early onset Alzheimers at the age of 84 she requires round the clock care. However despite all that she doesn't qualify for any aid so it goes like this

1) They take all your savings except for the last £23,000 (however she can only access £23 a week for incidentals).
2) Then they access the pensions and any state benefits (bearing in mind they remove the carers allowance of £80 a week because you are now in care)
3) if this isn't enough (and it usually isn't) the state will then top up the balance but you have to sign away your house.. This means that they can sell your house once you have died to recoup their payments. If you are a couple and one has gone into care they can only take the house once the last person has died.

Care homes in Trafford range from £500 to £900 a week so you can see how easily the money gets eaten up.

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