Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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The Tories have presided over complete chaos the last few years but are hanging on to power for dear life.

If they are serious about their own party, never mind the country, they need to jettison May and select a serious leader, not Boris, then team up with whoever to form a government.

May is now a toxic asset and the longer she carries on with this farce the more unpopular the Tories will become which is fine by me.
What do you think should happen? There's no simple solution.

Well ruling out all of the things that definitely shouldn't happen, you're probably left with her having to resign and us having to have another election. Not ideal but probably the least absurd of the options we have available. Having spent the past few weeks smearing Jeremy Corbyn for apparently having met with Irish terrorists, to now be attempting to form a government with a party founded by Irish terrorists is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. She was vowing to tackle religious extremism last week and now she wants some to prop up her government.
A lot of Tory MPs unhappy about associating with the DUP a party whose candidates were endorsed by a loyalist umbrella group which represents the UDA.
Chief concern is that the DUP will extract concessions from May regarding local Northern Ireland issues which might just upset Sinn Fein a bit. This could destabilize the Nortern Ireland peace already under strain after Brexit and the collapse of the assembly a few months back.
PS they are also anti same sex marriage,anti abortion, formerly climate change deniers and pro creationists.
From what Sky are saying they are a shady radical bunch and we have to rely on them for support,i don't what them having a say in what happens to us plebs out here
I think May's position is untenable. The EU will have much more confidence negotiating Brexit if she's heading our negotiations. She needs to stay away from them, whether it's leaving it to expert negotiators or another party leader. Boff head would be near as awful though in his own way.
A lot of Tory MPs unhappy about associating with the DUP a party whose candidates were endorsed by a loyalist umbrella group which represents the UDA.
Chief concern is that the DUP will extract concessions from May regarding local Northern Ireland issues which might just upset Sinn Fein a bit. This could destabilize the Nortern Ireland peace already under strain after Brexit and the collapse of the assembly a few months back.
PS they are also anti same sex marriage,anti abortion, formerly climate change deniers and pro creationists.
DUP have had the same arrangement since 2015.
From what Sky are saying they are a shady radical bunch and we have to rely on them for support,i don't what them having a say in what happens to us plebs out here
They were founded on values of oppressing rights for Catholics
A lot of Tory MPs unhappy about associating with the DUP a party whose candidates were endorsed by a loyalist umbrella group which represents the UDA.
Chief concern is that the DUP will extract concessions from May regarding local Northern Ireland issues which might just upset Sinn Fein a bit. This could destabilize the Nortern Ireland peace already under strain after Brexit and the collapse of the assembly a few months back.
PS they are also anti same sex marriage,anti abortion, formerly climate change deniers and pro creationists.
as a side to the tory/labour discussion I find whats happened in norn iron astonishing. Theyve basically wiped the actual political parties on the centre left and centre right off the map and stuck all their eggs in the respective political arm of the old paramilitary groups basket
See she's already been to see the Queen. Did the Queen tell her to eff off or what?

Not sure what the status of government is.
Keep reading the word coalition on here. Has that actually been mentioned, or is it a supply and confidence government? If it is a coalition, will there be DUP cabinet members?
But we cannot make the assumption that Labour is increasing its vote because all of a sudden the electorate want a government with a fair whiff of Leftism attached to it. It is pretty difficult to unravel the Remainers and who they voted for, and the Leavers and who they voted for. The MP for Barrow who lambasted the idea of Corbyn going into the election as Labour leader said this dinnertime that if anybody tried to tell you the how and why of last night they were 'winging' it!

LOL...Corbyn, shit when he fails, shit when he succeeds, just shit really.
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