Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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I think if someone stands up and tells the public they are going to deliver a whole load of things that cannot be delivered, it is the duty of the press to expose it as they see fit. They didn't seek to crucify him because they don't like his beard; it's because they think his policies are barmy. Should they say nothing in those circumstances? I cannot see a problem with saying it how you see it. And before anyone suggests they are in the Tories' pockets, they supported Blair well enough.
Your last sentence makes no sense TBH, Blair was a Tory with a red tie.
So if Torys do go with a coalition with DUP ... Then that means 5 more years ?

who decides when to call another election ?
The DUP have previously had memebers linked to combat 18 though the UVF.

Combat fucking 18
sorry but these lot cannot be allowed to have a sway oven the uk government more than occasionally voting with them.
Your last sentence makes no sense TBH, Blair was a Tory with a red tie.

Blair introduced a national minimum wage, enshrined LGBT rights, heavily funded the NHS including setting up Sure Start centres and constantly extolled the virtues of immigration and Europe.

He was absolutely NOT a Tory in a red tie.
Your last sentence makes no sense TBH, Blair was a Tory with a red tie.

A myth much perpetuated by the left, who actually mean "Blair was not as left as we would have liked". He most certainly was not a Tory. He may have been more moderate and less offensive to Tory values, but he still presided over an enormous increase in the size of the public sector, splurged cash on pretty much everything, raised taxes all over the place and ran the country into deficit at the same time. These are not Tory values.
Blair introduced a national minimum wage, enshrined LGBT rights, heavily funded the NHS including setting up Sure Start centres and constantly extolled the virtues of immigration and Europe.

He was absolutely NOT a Tory in a red tie.
Definitely a cnut though
So if Torys do go with a coalition with DUP ... Then that means 5 more years ?

who decides when to call another election ?
Won't last 5 years whatever happens, could easily be a vote of no confidence at anytime if DUP turn or even a few tories turn on themselves. There won't be a formal coalition anyway.
as a side to the tory/labour discussion I find whats happened in norn iron astonishing. Theyve basically wiped the actual political parties on the centre left and centre right off the map and stuck all their eggs in the respective political arm of the old paramilitary groups basket
They've always done that in their local elections, tbf I don't think they feel represented by the Westminster parties, SF and the DUP are more of a presence, especially in Belfast and Derry.
Blair introduced a national minimum wage, enshrined LGBT rights, heavily funded the NHS including setting up Sure Start centres and constantly extolled the virtues of immigration and Europe.

He was absolutely NOT a Tory in a red tie.

I prefer your more positive appraisal, but we are agreed.
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