Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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I think one thing that Corbyn has done (and I wasn't a big fan, despite being a Labour voter) is to reenergise the youth vote. Now, if he, or any future successor, can keep that going, then that spells bad news for the Tories. As the older element (likely mostly Tory voters) drop off one end of the electoral register, it could see them being replaced at the other end by mainly Labour supporters. In this scenario, the demographics look bad for the Tories. Have they got any politician, or indeed policies, that would be capable of wooing that reenergised youth vote? Bloody unlikely I'd have thought.
It also poses a dilemma for any future Labour leader. Do they stick with Corbyn's policies, and pick up the youth vote, or head back to a form of Blairism, which woos the middle classes, but loses the new young voters, who won't see much difference between them and the Tories?
We live in interesting times.
So what happens next.
My guess would be queens speech gets passed. Brexit negotiations start and then when everything is underway May steps down and a new Tory leader is elected. One of: David Davis, Bojo or a.n.other. It will be managed as an accession all agreed internally before it happens.
To those suggesting a new leader for the Tory party will emerge in the next few months I would ask you one question. If you were a candidate to be the leader of the party in power, in your own head or even with the support of colleagues would you want that before we go through Brexit? Whoever leads us into that is on a hiding to nothing from everyone who believes we should have done better and that will probably be 100% of us. Brexit is a nailed on end to a political career for any leader involved so why would you want to be in charge 2 years from now?
I think one thing that Corbyn has done (and I wasn't a big fan, despite being a Labour voter) is to reenergise the youth vote. Now, if he, or any future successor, can keep that going, then that spells bad news for the Tories. As the older element (likely mostly Tory voters) drop off one end of the electoral register, it could see them being replaced at the other end by mainly Labour supporters. In this scenario, the demographics look bad for the Tories. Have they got any politician, or indeed policies, that would be capable of wooing that reenergised youth vote? Bloody unlikely I'd have thought.
It also poses a dilemma for any future Labour leader. Do they stick with Corbyn's policies, and pick up the youth vote, or head back to a form of Blairism, which woos the middle classes, but loses the new young voters, who won't see much difference between them and the Tories?
We live in interesting times.

I'm strongly of the belief that the "Youth Vote" was enticed by 30 grand worth of tuition fees. Remember the LibDems did something similar which got them into the coalition only to back track. Pretty sure the Tories would mitigate against that next time with a sweetener of their own.

My daughter arrived this morning, she's second year uni and confirmed that it was the only topic on campus once announced.
To those suggesting a new leader for the Tory party will emerge in the next few months I would ask you one question. If you were a candidate to be the leader of the party in power, in your own head or even with the support of colleagues would you want that before we go through Brexit? Whoever leads us into that is on a hiding to nothing from everyone who believes we should have done better and that will probably be 100% of us. Brexit is a nailed on end to a political career for any leader involved so why would you want to be in charge 2 years from now?

Because 3 years after that the world may be a very different place.
We really are living in some bizarre alternate reality now... socialists living in million pound houses in Kensington voting Labour and ex miners living in £30k shit holes in Mansfield voting in the Tories.
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