United thread 2017/18

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Fuck off you stupid C.unt...im not arsed if you have won more titles than us... history is just history.
Always hated your arrogant fucking fans and players..
Such a bunch of inbred fuckers...ticket tout comb over Charlton...liver thief Best...Edwards selling rancid meat to schools...the other Edwards peeking under toilet doors..how proud of them you must be.
At least I'm honest with my contempt and hatred for your scummy fucking club.
Enjoy looking backwards as the scousers do because if you live in the present you will realise that to us in football terms you are just insignificant.
Stop mincing your words man and tell him what you really think.
Can we just fuck this guy off please? Was much more enjoying the Conte/Mourinho tennis match posts...
Fucking stunned people are replying to him. He's actually winning on points (unlike the team he says he supports), as he's managed to wind up a shit load of posters. Stunned he still has an account, and as I said a few pages back, I'd be even more surprised if he wasn't a Blue on the wum - or an ex member of this Board who's been banned.
Why don't you just fuck off you sad rag bastard...fierce rivalry with Liverpool my arse.
How often have you and the dippers been direct rivals for the title...ie in the same season.
To be honest you and the dippers are rivals nowadays for the top four but not in any way shape or form are you title rivals.
I will be honest and say I fucking hate Yoonited and their scummy fans..I hated them when I was a kid growing up in the 60s and if anything my loathing has increased with age.
Arrogant twats who think they are still relevant in terms of winning the title...no fucking way.
Stop mincing your words man and tell him what you really think.
ha ha Nice one Cityfan. Do you think the anger is real, like bluebybirth says he grew up loathing in the 60s? That's a long time to hold so much envy and hatred. I get the impression some of your fellow Blues are just putting it on for show. Well I hope they are anyway otherwise it must be a difficult life. The bitterness can't be worth it if it's for real, can it?
Was asked the other day by a rag to sum up my feelings,opinion, towards his club in one word.
My answer was Genocide. His face priceless as he walked off.
ha ha Nice one Cityfan. Do you think the anger is real, like bluebybirth says he grew up loathing in the 60s? That's a long time to hold so much envy and hatred. I get the impression some of your fellow Blues are just putting it on for show. Well I hope they are anyway otherwise it must be a difficult life. The bitterness can't be worth it if it's for real, can it?
Bitterness you say eh.
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