United thread 2017/18

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I see Peg and Conte have had a little war of words, with Conte accusing Jose of suffering from senile dementia when forgetting his own behaviour and Peg reminding Conte about his conviction for match-fixing.

Going to be fun when these 2 meet on Feb 25th assuming Jose remembers the date. Mind you, Conte's not bothered as he already knows what the score will be.
Was acquitted, not convicted.
ha ha Nice one Cityfan. Do you think the anger is real, like bluebybirth says he grew up loathing in the 60s? That's a long time to hold so much envy and hatred. I get the impression some of your fellow Blues are just putting it on for show. Well I hope they are anyway otherwise it must be a difficult life. The bitterness can't be worth it if it's for real, can it?

Don't know why I am bothered. ...but this is why you are hated as supporters by every supporter in england
ha ha Nice one Cityfan. Do you think the anger is real, like bluebybirth says he grew up loathing in the 60s? That's a long time to hold so much envy and hatred. I get the impression some of your fellow Blues are just putting it on for show. Well I hope they are anyway otherwise it must be a difficult life. The bitterness can't be worth it if it's for real, can it?

It's not envy you prick it's pure unadulterated hatred of your fucking scum team.
Hated the twats when I was at school..hated them as a young man and still fucking hate them as an old man.
So fuck off thinking we need or want you on our forums...we are head and shoulders above you football wise.
Bitterness you say eh.
Hi Machiavelli, Yes I mean bitterness in relation to posters such as Bluebybirth's uncalled for, sheer acidic vitriol,
blue by birth said:
"Why don't you just fuck off you sad rag bastard...fierce rivalry with Liverpool my arse.
How often have you and the dippers been direct rivals for the title...ie in the same season.
To be honest you and the dippers are rivals nowadays for the top four but not in any way shape or form are you title rivals.
I will be honest and say I fucking hate Yoonited and their scummy fans..I hated them when I was a kid growing up in the 60s and if anything my loathing has increased with age.
Arrogant twats ...etc".
You appear more level headed. Do you think the vitriol is put on or has history really effected some City fans to such an extent. How sad if this is true. After all it's just a game. It's not real life so why not chat to fellow football fans even if we support rival clubs.
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Niceguy let me point something out to you so you can go away and have a think about it.

When the Premier League started you began your period of dominance, winning numerous trophies and at the same time generating massive revenue streams through merchandise and global marketing. Your success could not have come at a better time in terms of cashing in, which is why your club was seemingly printing money. Every child wants to support a winning team and sheep always like to jump on the bandwagon so they can have a good old gloat. For every one United fan that goes to Old Trafford there's a million that don't, but your club likes the ability to brag about these hangers on who know about as much about football as my missus. Would I want this as unique selling point at City, not fucking likely, because your club is like WWE wrestling, loads of razzamataz, but no substance.

Now let'n ot forget that the Busby family ran the souvenir shop just prior to this, but the cut throat decision makers paid them a pittance to sell up as they realised the money the club could be making was immense. Your club shop was equally as shit as ours in the mid eighties as I had the misfortune of visiting it in 1986 when forced to having won a place at the Bobby Charlton Soccer School. The point I'm making is that you marketed your club first, so why can't we thirty years later. When the club was floated what do you think they did with the share holders money, tell you what I'll give you a clue, yes they spent a fucking shed load on players, Anderson, Webb, Donaghy, Pallister, Bruce, McClair, Hughes, Leighton, Ince, Phealan, Wallace, Irwin and Parker to name but a few. Now if you're a proper fan you'll have realisedc that those thirteen players equates to a full new team and two subs from 1986 to 1990. Tell me again about us buying the league, because other than the inflated cost of players it's exactly what your lot did in order to compete.

Your club continued to fleece buffoons who will buy any old shit and even made them buy tickets for matches as a compulsory part of a season ticket purchase, yet we're morally corrupt and unethical. Your club basically picks it fans up by the ankles and shakes them until they'e drained every last penny. A prime eample of the "United Way" was in 1993 when you visited Ewood Park to play your title rivals, Blackburn. The people that run your club dishes a load of tickets to Scandanavian day trippers, with the club shop visit incorporates into their day out, whilst proper loyal fans missed out. What sort of a club pull a stunt like that

Anyway money became the be all and end all in football and due to Edwards floating the club at the right time you were raking it in. John Magnier and JP McManus were your major players who probably wouldn't have sold to the Glazer's if GPC hadn't got too big for his boots over the Rock of Gibraltar. The Glazer's saw the value in the merchandising of the club and having plunged you into massive debt used club money to service their failing businesses state side. Is that ethical, rinse the fans, exploit the name of the club, never invest any of their own money and then have the cheek to pay themselves massive bonuses. Would I want that at City, would I fuck, but that' because like most on this forum I go to games and I care about the character of the club and thr club cares about the fans, whereas the majority of your so called fans wouldn't even know the way to Stretford and couldn't give a shit because they've never put their hand in their pocket and only attach themselves for gloating purposes.

Finally as you say "to reach your level" Christ where do I start.

Well quality of the football isn't even worth discussing is It, the stats and the table don't lie, so I'll stop at our level if thats okay.

Running of the club likewise is now a reverse comparison. Like when you floated and at the beginning of the Sky era we were in the dark ages, but it's now vice versa in that we are financially the most powerful club in football whether you like it or not, who don't simply rely on selling merchandise and cash from official club tampon provider's.

Common club decency, again we look after our own and make sure they remain part of the club's history, whereas the "United Way was to throw the Busby family and family members of the Busby babes out of their seats, so they could be sold to keep Pogba I hair dye and family man in STD testing kits.

Hang a banner highlighting the years that we'd gone without a trophy.

Again sheer class, but old purple nose didn't like the Teves poster on Deansgate did he. Called it small club mentality whilst pretending the banner depicting our years in the wilderness didn't exist.

Do I want our club to reach your level, no thanks, as I'd rather not bother than be associated with such a collaboration of arrogance and ignorance that is after all the "United Way"
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