Why we will win the league!

Here you go:


They are 3/1 with most bookies. And we are now 1/4 with most. If you're not familiar with how that works, it means if you stake £1 on Liverpool to win it, and they do win it, the bookies will give you £3 (plus your pound back). Whereas if you put £1 on CIty and we do win, they'll give you 25p. So the bookies reckon we are 12 times more likely to win it than Liverpool.
Or to put it another way, if you put £1 on the dippers, you lose £1.
I think Liverpool's only struggle will be away at Newcastle.
But then again until the game against Wolves, the league will probably
be already won so it won't really matter.
City won't screw up in their last league game. No way in hell.
We came very close to screwing up before on the last day so I'm not gonna get get too excited just yet!
Preferably we win our three remaining games and everything else is irrelevant but just in case, I've picked out the fixtures that are relevant to the title race and highlighted the desirable winner of each game.

26/4 | Liverpool vs Huddersfield - Obvious reasons
27/4 | Fulham vs Cardiff - If Fulham get a win or draw then Burnley are safe which could help us the following day
27/4 | Brighton vs Newcastle - Need them safe before we play them
28/4 | Burnley vs City - Just keep winning and it stays in our hands
4/5 | Cardiff vs Palace - Need Cardiff to lose to help Brighton secure safety before we play them
4/5 | Newcastle vs Liverpool - Obvious reasons
5/5 | Arsenal vs Brighton - Need them safe before we play them
6/5 | City vs Leicester - Just keep winning and it stays in our hands
12/5 | United vs Cardiff - In case the title and relegation is being decided on the last day, it would help if United were battering Cardiff
12/5 | Liverpool vs Wolves - Obvious reasons
12/5 | Brighton vs City - Hopefully still in our hands on the last day and we get the required result
Things i'm worried about

1 - Dyche being a Liverpool fan
2 - The stat that every year they've been in the EPL Burnley have beaten the champions
3 - Rodgers doing his old club a favour
4 - The squad looking thin in midfield due to injuries to KDB, Fernandinho and possibly Gundogan. I don't think the first two will be back this season.
5 - The fact we've never clinched a title away from home, in the Premier League era
6 - Fucking it up on the last day even if we win our next two.
7 - The fact that we've a good record against the top 6 this season, but its in games exactly like our next 3 that we've dropped points

Other than that i'm quite confident!!

Think Liverpool's games are irrelevant now. Huddersfield next at home, that's a gimme. Will be at least 3-0.
If they were away to Newcastle this weekend before we played then they might drop points if they were a bit deflated at our result last night, but having a gimme makes things irrelevant.
So say we drop points to Burnley then, Liverpool's will win their last two games if they have to to win the league.

Hopefully get an early goal on Sunday to calm the nerves

Things that I’m worried about-

1. You
By coincidence, when we were locked in title-races with the rags then dippers in 2012 and 2014, we played game 35 away from home, at Wolves & Palace respectively. We won both of those games 2-0. Last night was game 35, away from home and we won 2-0.
In that case, it’ll either be a Vinny winner or we bring Dzeko in on an emergency loan to bag a brace after an Aguero beauty to beat Burnley on Sunday.
The dippers in work have completely folded and are now suddenly only interested in the CL.

Heads have proper gone.
I had one this morning going on about the PFA TOTY — and I am not joking — trying to tell me there was no reason that Fernandinho should be in it and that Fabinho deserves it more.

He also said that even if we win it by one point, everyone will consider Liverpool “Associate Champions”, so he is happy to focus on the CL, as if they win it no one will remember our “treble” (he actually said “quote, treble”).

He was being completely serious about all of it.

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