Evidence for religion

Here’s something I never understood and to me proves there is no such thing as the tormented Hell.

Satan wants us to follow him. To be bad, evil even. Now if we follow him, if we are bad and fit into the type of behaviour he is all about, why the fuck would he punish you?

You would be his kind of people. It’s like saying god would punish you for being good.

It’s all bollocks and the ultimate control mechanism. If you’re bad you will be burned forever. Now even taking aside the things that can send you there being so mundane. It’s a horrific example of how vindictive and yes evil god actually is.

Why would god reward you for doing stuff he demands, but Satan thrusts a hot poker up the arse of those who follow his path?

He wouldn’t and he doesn’t for the simple reason, it’s all fucking made up.
Eh! I think that’s the point.
It’s God that’s all powerful. Not Old Nick.
It’s God that’s banishes you to hell.

Pay attention in Sunday school.
No talking down the back.
do you have any evidence art? for religion that is not the convoluted zen you keep spouting
Awareness is self-evident. Anyhow, are you happy now? If so, then great. Go for it. For me, as I see things, it is inevitable that this planet will open to a deeper, heartfelt joy. How long will this take? I don't know. But I don't much feel that it will take away happiness, more add to it. If that's not a message that you could believe in or agree with, then ok - that's for you to decide. And so we might see this differently - is this ok or do I have to sign the 'church' of tonea2003 to be able to have a conversation with you?

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