Evidence for religion

I thought I'd come back to this question. I'd define intelligence as the capacity for self-awareness, but that is just my definition, and one that has been argued about since arguing was possible. That definition though does describe many different types of intelligence, from my fish, to my cat, to me typing away on blue moon. I'd then need to define 'life', and I'll dig out the basil plant sat on my kitchen window ledge. It is alive, it can grow, it can reproduce, it can die, but i do no believe it is self aware. So the answer to your first question would be 'no', life is not essentially intelligent, because there is are examples of life which are intelligent, and others which are not.

As for the rest, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but I'll try. Are there things beyond what we can comprehend? Yes, and science is the advancement of that understanding. But will we ever be able to fully understand and comprehend everything? I would say absolutely 100% no. Time, for example. We experience time in a strictly linear fashion, with one moment coming after another, and always in a single direction. But it is likely this is not the only way time can be experienced. I don't think we would ever to be able to fully comprehend that with our brains in the current form they are in. Sorry for the slightly flippant response yesterday, thought it deserved a better answer.
Thank you, enjoyed reading this. And no worries about flippant arguments :) I like the idea of intelligence being self- awareness, though we might come to different conclusions. No matter. Perhaps there is a notion that we are exclusively a 'separate self' - ie that which could never be connected with the whole - and their are notions that we could also come to know something being this (some might call this whole a Holy Self). A choice for the former or latter might then change how we come to see things - or even what 'evidence' we might seek for and/or reject/accept? In this way, perhaps linear time is the domain of the exclusively separate self but there is also a non-linear time that can be experienced as we open to notions beyond this? Anyhow, thanks again - if this all seems like nonsensical bullshit, then fair enough. each to their own....
@arfurclue. Never seen you on any other Fred mate, just wondering why you only seem to post on here?
Hey @BlueMoonRisin' ,I used to post more and on other threads. People come on here for different reasons. Neither right nor wrong, better or worse. For me, personally, I would enjoy conversations that might touch on what is spoken of in, eg, Marti Perarnau books - which opens to art, chess, religion etc at times. Others don't and that's fine - just don't find it so enjoyable. Don't particularly want to get into endless arguments about, ege, 'this player is shit, this one is great' either - ends up feeling a bit dull. But, here...if there is a suggestion that folk can open to joy that frees them from the likes of pain and depression and shit? Then yes, I might feel tempted to write. Does this mean that people HAVE TO follow religion? No. But if that's one way that some choose as a way to find a way through things, then why not let them be?
Hey @BlueMoonRisin' ,I used to post more and on other threads. People come on here for different reasons. Neither right nor wrong, better or worse. For me, personally, I would enjoy conversations that might touch on what is spoken of in, eg, Marti Perarnau books - which opens to art, chess, religion etc at times. Others don't and that's fine - just don't find it so enjoyable. Don't particularly want to get into endless arguments about, ege, 'this player is shit, this one is great' either - ends up feeling a bit dull. But, here...if there is a suggestion that folk can open to joy that frees them from the likes of pain and depression and shit? Then yes, I might feel tempted to write. Does this mean that people HAVE TO follow religion? No. But if that's one way that some choose as a way to find a way through things, then why not let them be?

That was pointless BMR will come back with some bullshit that will bore you sensles .As for Marti perarnau he will think he's a Romanian centre forward
That was pointless BMR will come back with some bullshit that will bore you sensles .As for Marti perarnau he will think he's a Romanian centre forward
Lol. Here, for me, if religion is used to serve some kind of egotistical specialness, then its doctrine may well come to be somewhat twisted, ugly even. If that's what he was involved in then, sure, get the fuck out of there. Does this make all religion twisted and ugly? For me, no. But if that's the only experience of religion that folk have known...well it makes many of the attitudes that have been shared on here both understandable and rational. Just, there may be something beyond this...

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